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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • News w/e 21st Oct 22

    Mon 31 Oct 2022

    Macmillan Assembly. On Friday 21st October, Mary Weavers (from Macmillan) joined our assembly via a video link to say thank you to the children (and parents) for all of the money that we raised (£500.88) at our recent coffee morning. Mary explained to the children how the money helps people with cancer and showed us round the Macmillan centre, which is designed to help people with other aspects of their life that may be affected by cancer eg: finances, hair loss and emotional support.


    Parents in Reception:        On Thursday 20th October, Reception held a lovely parents morning to learn about Read Write Inc and to celebrate Diwali.  Parents were invited to participate in a lesson to learn the letter r, they got to meet Fred and practised their Fred talk.  After this, everyone enjoyed learning about Diwali; this included making clay diva lamps, sweet making, window decorations and learning the story of Rama and Sita. The morning was finished off with everyone enjoying some celebratory food including onion bhajis, mango chutney and poppadoms , which were definitely the favourite! Thank you to all the parents that came.  A wonderful time was had by all! 


    On Monday 17th October, Year 6 took part in a workshop with the Mental Health in Schools Team. This involved learning all about changes that we could and couldn't control and provided different strategies for coping with these changes. The children participated fully in discussions during this session and were very sensible when sharing their ideas. One key change that children wanted to learn more about was moving to secondary school and the team were able to provide them with some coping methods for dealing with this transition when they move schools next September.

  • News w/e 14th Oct 22

    Mon 17 Oct 2022

    Reception find their way:        

    On Thursday 13th October, Reception were set a challenge using the skills they have been learning in class. They needed to find hidden clues to write a shopping list, using their phonics sounds. They were given a simple map of the school site and had to navigate their way to find the clues. Each clue had a picture of an ingredient and the phonics sound to help them with their writing. The children all wrote their own shopping list of the ingredients that they needed to make cakes in school on Friday. They had so much fun and learned a lot about map work, whilst practising their writing. They can’t wait to make and eat their cakes!


    School Council:

    Our school councillors met on Thursday 13th October and now have a lot to discuss with their classes. This term, they are considering how to encourage healthy snacks at playtime, how to incorporate more kindness, especially during anti-bullying week, how to work more closely with our neighbouring school, Castle Wood and how to follow and celebrate the football World Cup. Watch this space for more information!


    Macmillan Fundraiser:  

    Thank you for supporting our recent coffee morning and cake sales. We raised the grand total of £500.88, which is a lot more than we raised last year! What an achievement - thank you everyone!

  • Music

    Tue 11 Oct 2022

    On Thursday 6th October, our children from Reception to Year 6 were offered the annual flu vaccination, which is administered via a nasal spray. We had a positive take up and we hope that this will help to keep our children healthy throughout the winter season. If your child was absent on this day, or if you missed the opportunity to register your child, then you can contact the North Warwickshire Immunisation Team as follows: telephone – 024 7632 1550. Alternatively you can contact your local GP’s surgery, where they will also be able to offer the vaccination.  

  • Flu Vaccinations

    Tue 11 Oct 2022

    On Thursday 6th October, our children from Reception to Year 6 were offered the annual flu vaccination, which is administered via a nasal spray. We had a positive take up and we hope that this will help to keep our children healthy throughout the winter season. If your child was absent on this day, or if you missed the opportunity to register your child, then you can contact the North Warwickshire Immunisation Team as follows: telephone – 024 7632 1550. Alternatively you can contact your local GP’s surgery, where they will also be able to offer the vaccination.  

  • Year 2 Walk

    Fri 07 Oct 2022

    In the week beginning 26th September, Year 2 enjoyed a walk around the local area. As part of their Geography work, they have been learning about human and physical features of the surrounding environment. The children enjoyed walking past familiar places and pointing out and discussing where they live or places they visit.

  • Year 4 Workshop

    Fri 07 Oct 2022

    On Tuesday 27th September, our Year 4 children, participated in a mental health awareness workshop. This included giving the children strategies to help self-regulate their emotions. The children talked and learned about the fact that we don't always have control over our emotions and that's ok, however we are able to calm and self soothe. ourselves They learned strategies to improve and keep a healthy mind set by learning new things, acknowledging, and thanking others for helping us and going for walks or completing activities which keep us happy and positive. The children were very engaged and were keen to take the self-regulation sheet home to complete and keep as a help sheet. 

  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Fri 07 Oct 2022

    Thank you to all of our parents, family and friends, who attended our Coffee Morning on Friday 30th September and ensured that it was a great success. The children did not miss out and enjoyed buying a cake to support the cause during the day. A big thank you must go to Mrs Kriaun, Miss O’Donnell, Mrs Edwards, Mr McIlroy, the school kitchen and the school council, who worked so hard to make the day run smoothly.

  • Parents' Evening

    Mon 03 Oct 2022

    Parents’ Evening: Thank you to everyone who attended the ‘settling in’ parents’ evening on Thursday 29th September. It is important that we meet with you throughout the year so that we can update you with your child’s life at school. If you were unable to make the date, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher, who will be happy to meet you at a more convenient time. There will be a further parents’ evening later on this term, where you will be invited to make an appointment to find out more information about your child’s progress and attainment – please see the dates section of our website.

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