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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Academic Year 2023/2024


Attendance Rewards:     We are excited to share with you our new punctuality competitions that we are currently running in school. We have our brand new Punctuality Challenge, where children can earn a trip to something really exciting like bowling, the cinema, McDonald’s or soft play. The actual prize will be decided after feedback from classes to the School Council. To be entered into the draw to win this prize, children need to arrive at school before 8:50 am to earn a ticket that will go into the draw. Children will therefore be able to earn five tickets every week. If your name is drawn out of the hat, YOU WIN! This will be running until Friday 17th May with the draw being held in the last week of term. More details will be coming out in the forthcoming weeks - keep your eye on the school newsletter and website. Good Luck!

Mr Mcilroy is the attendance officer at Moat House Primary School. Ensuring the best possible school attendance for all pupils is a school priority in order to enable children to achieve their best. The school expect all children to achieve at least the Government minimum target of 95% attendance in an academic year.


If your child/ren are absent from school, we ask all parents/carers to notify school on the first day of absence and continue to keep school informed for the duration of the absence (speak in person or by phone to a member of office staff or leave message on school’s answer phone). If there is no communication, a home visit will be carried out by members of staff.


We work with parents to ensure that they understand the importance of uninterrupted education and that to request a leave of absence during term time, requires exceptional circumstances for the school to authorise that absence. Term time holidays cannot be authorised. Unauthorised absences can lead to a fine.  


Parents are required to complete a form notifying the reason for the absence from school and the dates, including the expected date of return. The Headteacher will consider all requests on an individual basis. He will take in to consideration the nature of the request along with the child’s attendance and attainment at that time.


If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child's attendance, please don't hesitate to pop in to see or phone Mr McIlroy on 02476 612073.

We are always keen to support parents to ensure that attendance at Moat House is good (or better) and for this reason you may receive a Groupcall message before school begins as a reminder that classroom doors will be opening soon. 


At Moat House, we are constantly looking for ways to improve attendance. With that in mind, for this year’s attendance reward scheme we have decided to try an exciting new incentive! In order to motivate each child, we will be rewarding classes with the following.

Weekly Class Reward

There will be a weekly in the Friday assembly. Firstly, for every class achieving 97% and over they will earn £2 and for 100% they would earn £5.  

The children will then discuss with their teachers on how to spend the prize money! Good luck!


Half Termly Pupil Reward

On the last Friday of every half term every child who has achieved 100% will receive a certificate, pencil and sticker. 


Termly Pupil Reward

A draw for all pupils with 100% attendance will take place with exciting prizes to be announced soon. 

Certificates are presented to children who achieve 100% attendance at the end of each term and they will receive a pencil and badge, and for all pupils with 97%+ they receive a certificate of congratulations. 


Our School Target for Attendance is:97%

Friday 12th July

Current school total attendance is:



Last week's attendance:


The class with the best attendance was: 4NL



Overall money earnt for the school year.

ClassClass NameLast weekTotal Xmas Stall MoneyTotal money earned 
1ETTerrific Thompson's90.00%92.58% £8.00 
1RWWalker's Winners90.00%91.32% £11.00 
2BDYou just had 2B there90.43%92.60% £15.00 
2EWThe Right Attit2EWd96.77%93.08%£50.00£4.00 
2JCLive, Laugh, Ling88.75%89.41% £7.00 
3MM3MMillionaires92.58%93.68% £14.50 
3SHHallways Here91.33%93.73% £12.50 
4MWMarvellous Wooding's89.33%93.75% £10.00 
4NLLynch Ch Ching97.59%94.79% £24.00 
5JK5JK, here everyday96.00%96.00% £27.00 
5LMMrs Meininger’s magically magnificent millionaires88.00%93.94% £11.00 
6CBEarly Bird Catches the Worm92.67%93.41%£25.00£20.00 
6ST6ST Winners We'll Be95.27%94.32% £21.00 



ClassClass NameLast week
4NLLynch Ch Ching97.59%
2EWThe Right Attit2EWd96.77%
5JK5JK, here everyday96.00%
6ST6ST Winners We'll Be95.27%
6CBEarly Bird Catches the Worm92.67%
3SHHallways Here91.33%
2BDYou just had 2B there90.43%
1RWWalker's Winners90.00%
1ETTerrific Thompson's90.00%
4MWMarvellous Wooding's89.33%
2JCLive, Laugh, Ling88.75%
5LMMrs Meininger’s magically magnificent millionaires88.00%


Holidays in Term Time:      

Can I remind you that we are not legally allowed to give children time off during term time to go on holiday.  This was a decision made by the Government a few years ago. 

Can you please check our holiday dates when booking holidays and ensure that any holidays that you take are during the school holidays. Term time holidays can lead to a fine for each child who goes on them. Thank you.

Working Together