Themed Weeks
Cool to be Kind week: Friday 23rd February was the last day of Cool to be Kind week, which was a great success. Children were even kinder and more helpful than usual and achieved stickers for their actions. Well done everyone!
Healthy Eating Week: In the week beginning 15th January, our children took part in Healthy Eating Week, where there was a focus on learning about the benefits of eating healthily. The children have learnt that it is important to eat a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and plenty of fruit, vegetables and water and that treats can be enjoyed in moderation. We hope that they can encourage everyone at home to adopt good food habits to benefit the whole family.
British Science Week:
In the week beginning 13th March, we celebrated British Science Week. The theme this year is 'connections' so we have been making links between reading and science. Each year group read a different story and carried out some investigations linked to them. The children in Year 1 read 'The Princess and the Pea'. They then designed their own mattress and discussed which materials they thought would be best to use so that the princess wouldn't feel a pea. Following this, they tested their ideas. In Year 3, the children read 'The Gingerbread Man'. They investigated what happens when a gingerbread man is placed in different liquids. The children also really enjoyed designing and making boats using different materials before testing which boats were able to keep a gingerbread man safe from water.
Cool to be Kind Week:
Friday 18th February was the last day of Cool to be Kind week which was a great success. Children were even kinder and more helpful than usual and achieved stickers for their actions. Well done everyone!
Healthy Eating Week 2022
During week beginning 10th January, children learned about the importance of eating a healthy, balanced diet and were given the opportunity to try some new 'healthy' options for school dinners. Everyone was reminded that they also need plenty of sleep and exercise to help them to remain fit and healthy.
Science Week:
Super Science Stars: These children were awarded with special badges for their hard work in Science Week in the week commencing 8th March. Congratulations to all of you budding scientists!
Nursery | Dominic, Skyla | Year 3 | Nicole, Zackarie, Zema & Rafael |
Reception | Leia, Ajay, Laynie & Christy | Year 4 | Riley, Tyreece, Jack & Aminat |
Year 1 | Aariana, Ashfaina, Theo & Samiha | Year 5 | Makayla, Arianna, Abraham & Kaydon |
Year 2 | Vera, Imran, Sudi & Sajith | Year 6 | Evan, Oliwier, Michael & Khris |
Cool to be Kind Week:
Cool to be Kind week, held during the week beginning 20th January, was a great success. Children were even kinder and more helpful than usual and. enjoyed nominating each other for acts of kindness around the school. Well done everyone!
Healthy Eating Week:
In the week beginning January 13th, our children took part in Healthy Eating Week, where there was a focus on learning about the benefits of eating healthily. The children learnt that it is important to eat a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and plenty of fruit, vegetables and water and that treats can be enjoyed in moderation. We hope that they can encourage everyone at home to adopt good food habits to benefit the whole family.
Litter Week:
We spent some time during the week beginning 6th January discussing the implications of litter, not just at school but across the country and across the planet. The children were shocked to hear how much wildlife every year gets killed or injured by rubbish that humans don't put in bins or dispose of correctly. The children have all been encouraged to 'do their bit' and only put their litter in a bin. It would be great if you could encourage them to do this at home too.
Computer Science Week:
In the week beginning 9th December, our children took part in Computer Science Education Week. This is an annual event dedicated to inspiring children around the world to take an interest in computer science or coding. At Moat House, children participated in this year's event by completing an 'hour of code'. Children learnt how to code using a variety of websites and software such as Scratch. The children were teaching the teachers some new skills too! Search #hourofcode to find out more.
Anti-Bullying Week:
In the week beginning 11th November, Moat House children took part in “anti-bullying week.” In classes, they discussed the meaning of bullying, they thought about how they can recognise this and know what to do if they feel they are being bullied. Children took part in a range of activities, including circle time for discussions and role play to practise dealing with real life situations in an appropriate way.
Science Week:
In the week beginning 11th March,, we recognised British Science Week. Throughout the school, classes carried out fun investigations, such as: making parachutes out of different materials, constructing an erupting volcano and making slime. Each class also carried out research around a famous person in the field of science, technology, engineering or maths. All of the staff and children thoroughly enjoyed carrying out their experiments and look forward to continuing to develop their investigative skills in their science lessons this year!
Cool to be Kind Week:
Friday 18th January was the last day of Cool to be Kind week which was a great success. Children were even kinder and more helpful than usual and achieved stickers for their actions. Well done everyone!
Walk to School Week:
In the week beginning 21st May, many of our children took part in Walk to School Week and as a result of this have earnt stickers, which will be converted to house points for their team. They have also been rewarded with a packet of sunflower seeds for taking part in the challenge. Thank you for supporting us in Walk to School week and we hope that you and your children have enjoyed the many benefits of a daily walk.