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Moat house primary school

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Class Assemblies

Class Assemblies: Sept 23-24


Please make a note of your child’s class assembly date as detailed below, these may be subject to change you will a receive a reminder text message:









Friday 13th Oct


Friday 9th Feb


Friday 26th May


Friday 10th Nov


Friday 23rd Feb


Friday 14th June


Friday 24th Nov


Friday 8th March


Friday 24st June


Friday 7th Dec


Friday 22nd March


Friday 28th June


Friday 19th Jan


Friday 19th April








Friday 3rd May 




2BD’s Class Assembly:   On Thursday 23rd May, we enjoyed watching 2BD’s class assembly and were amazed by the children’s depth of knowledge about the different planets of the solar system. The children have also been finding out about the continents of the world and learnt some interesting facts to help remember the names. They were full of enthusiasm whilst singing the songs that have helped them to learn so much and the children (and adults!) across the school couldn’t help but join in! 


2JL’s Class Assembly:   On Friday 3rd May, we learned a lot about King Henry VIII, a very famous king who had six wives. 2JL sang a great song to remind us what happened to each of his wives: divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. We don’t think King Henry was a very nice man!


1RW’s Class Assembly:  On Friday 19th April, we enjoyed a wonderful assembly courtesy of 1RW – they shared that they had recently been on a trip to Bell Green Library, where they learnt about different types of books, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. They have also been reading story books in class and they told us about some of the authors that they have been introduced to, including Alex Scheffler and Julia Donaldson. They also sang a song about their love of reading and did a fantastic job of remembering the words. Thank you 1RW!


5JK’s Assembly:      Thank you to 5JK who shared a wonderful assembly on Friday 22nd March all about Australia. They shared some fascinating information, including that 10% of all the world’s fish live in the Great Barrier Reef, as well as the fact that there is so much desert in Australia that it appears red from space! We all enjoyed listening to an extract of an aboriginal playing a didgeridoo and the children did a super job of singing the national anthem, Advance Australia Fair.


5LM’s Class Assembly: On Friday 1st March, we enjoyed 5LM’s class assembly – the children have been learning all about the French Revolution and how this historical event enabled the people of France today, to enjoy liberty and equality. Asher and Marafi played King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, whilst Bogdan was a very dramatic Napoleon. Thanks to 5LM – you have clearly learnt a lot on this topic.


3SHG’s Class Assembly:    Thank you 3SHG for sharing the story of The Barnabus Project with us on Wednesday 28th March. This was all about creatures being valued as individuals, despite their differences. As well as retelling the story, the children shared some of the non-chronological reports which they had written about it, as well as some of the key messages about having a positive mind, being proud of who we are and not being afraid to make mistakes. They finished off by singing 'This is Me' which was so popular they repeated it at the end!


2EW’s Class Assembly: Thanks to 2EW, who shared a wonderful assembly with us on Friday 26th January called ‘Your Body’s got Talent’. They have been learning all about the human body and the assembly consisted of three ‘acts’ which really showcased what the children have been learning. We learnt about the bones, the heart and the digestive system. We even welcomed special guest presenters Ant and Dec, as well as Mr Black, played brilliantly by Lochan!


6ST’s Class Assembly:       6ST shared a very informative assembly with us on Friday 24th November all about World War One. We were fascinated to hear that children were given important jobs during the war, such as delivering milk and medical supplies. 6ST were able to recall many of these facts from memory, demonstrating their amazing retrieval practice, which is a whole school focus at the moment. Milan and Juliette read out the diary entries that they had written, from the perspective of a soldier. We all enjoyed the children sharing the poppies that they had made and hearing them sing an adapted version of “Pack up your Troubles.”


4NL’s Class Assembly:      What a great performance we enjoyed on Friday 10th November! 4NL did an excellent job of telling us all about the Ancient Greeks, which is what they have been learning about in their history lessons. We found out about how heroic the Spartans were, about how democracy began in Greece and about how the Ancient Greek philosophers found out more about the world by looking and questioning things. There were also some amazing rapping Greek gods. Well done, 4NL! You were all brilliant!   


6CB’s Class Assembly:  On Friday 13th October 23, it was wonderful to share our first class assembly of the year – 6CB did not disappoint and were very enthusiastic about the class novel that they have been reading: The Nowhere Emporium. They have been writing vlogs about the book and Mariana, Raluca, David and Khamil did a super job of presenting the vlog that they had written about the appearance of the mystical shop.

1JL’s Class Assembly:  It was lovely to watch 1JL’s class assembly on Friday 19th May. They shared the story “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,” which they were able to retell perfectly, whilst also sharing some actions! Michaela and Benjamin did a super job of reading a poem. We also learnt some interesting facts about the author Michael Rosen, including that originally he wanted to be a doctor before deciding that he wanted to follow his love of writing and became an author. Thanks 1Jl  for a lovely assembly.  


5JK’s Class Assembly: On Friday 28th April, we enjoyed finding out about the learning in 5JK. They have been discovering information about Australia and were able to share many interesting facts. We were fascinated to find out that Australia is thirty two times bigger than the United Kingdom and that 80% of the country consists of desert! Finally, we thoroughly enjoyed listening to the musical talents of Philip, Ibtihaj, Tyrone, Leo and Zackarie, who played a musical extract on their brass instruments - they have learnt so much in their music lessons this year. Thanks 5JK.


2EW’s Class Assembly:  On Friday 10th February, we were treated to a wonderful retelling of the traditional tale, Jack and the Beanstalk, which was made even more entertaining with some singing and dancing. The children clearly know the story very well and they have also enjoyed sowing seeds and watching their very own “beanstalks” grow, in their classroom! Thanks for sharing 2EW – we hope your visiting parents enjoyed it, as much as we did!


4MW’s Class Assembly:   Thank you to 4MW who shared a wonderful assembly on Thursday 2nd February. We discovered that they have been learning about the Egyptians - many of our younger children were shocked to find out that the Egyptians removed the organs of the deceased and even washed them! The children shared a song that they have learnt to help them with their times tables and we all enjoyed joining in. Thank you to 4MW – it was a fantastic assembly!


6ST’s Class Assembly:   Thank you to 6ST, who shared a wonderful assembly on Friday 2nd December, all about the work they have been doing around the story book “Holes.” The children have produced some amazing writing and artwork and their performance demonstrated their enthusiasm for the story. A special mention must go to Jan for his very authentic Texan accent and Poppy, Ava-Jayne, Xavier, Wiktoria and Jaiden for their rapping during a very catchy song.


6CB’s Class Assembly:   It was a joy to watch our first class assembly for approximately two and a half years on Friday 4th November and especially to welcome parents in to join us! The children of 6CB did themselves proud and shared their learning about Greek mythology. Lamin played his role to perfection as the wicked Zeus and Aiza played a dramatic Pandora. The children ended the assembly with a catchy Olympian rap, which had us all wanting to join in. Thanks 6CB!   

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