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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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School Meals


School Meals Payments 

Payment for all school lunches must be made in advance. Payments should be made via My Child at School, the cost of a school meal is £2.30 per day or £11.50 per week. 


My Child at School parent app 

We are now only accepting payments to school via MCAS, this is a safe, secure and easy way to pay online for school items such as school meals, trips etc: All families have been sent a letter via email with an invitation code, if you have not received yours, please contact the school office or email us at  


Free School Meals

Part of the schools budget is based on the take up of Free School Meals. If you are on benefits or a low income (but NOT claiming working tax credits) you can apply online for free school meals by visiting If you require assistance with your application, please contact the school office, you will just need your national insurance number. The additional funding we receive will help the school provide valuable resources for all of our children.

Food Allergens - Please inform school if your child has an allergy.

Working Together