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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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At Moat House we want to make sure that our children understand the relevance of Religion and Worldviews in today’s modern world; how it affects and informs our lives, communities and world views. We aim to ignite a passion for religion that allows pupils to seek knowledge and understanding of their own world views, investigate and recognise the world views of others and accept that everyone’s world views are individual and different.  

We follow the Coventry and Warwickshire Religion and World Views Syllabus which is an investigative and inquiry-based curriculum. There are 7 Core Concepts which are revisited in a spiral curriculum through the school.

  • Belonging and Believing
  • Wisdom and Guidance
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Living Well
  • Authority and Power
  • Changes
  • Grand Narratives

The Core Concepts are taught through the disciplines of

  • Theology,
  • Philosophy,
  • Human and Social Sciences 
  • History.

The Core Concepts and the disciplines are taught together to create a curriculum which uses creative approaches so that world views can be accessed and explored together.

Our lessons provide high-quality inquiry-based learning in the classrooms where our pupils and teachers work together: talk, predict, explore, use disciplinary knowledge and skills, as well as evaluating.


We ensure opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes and values and to reflect on and relate their learning in RE to their own world views.

At Moat House we believe that our RE curriculum will enable our children to have a better understanding of the religions and worldviews that make up our school community, the community the children live in as well as the wider city of Coventry and country. The children will be able to learn from and work alongside each other to create community cohesion. The RE curriculum promotes inquisitive minds, respect, tolerance and understanding for all. Our lessons enable high quality work to be produced and evidenced, showcasing a deep understanding of the individual’s worldviews, as well as that of their peers, their community and the wider world.  

Working Together