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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Foundation Stage


    Hello and welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage at Moat House Primary.

    The Foundation Stage consists of two Nursery classes (one morning session which runs from 8:45am to 11:45am and one afternoon session which runs from 12:30pm to 3:30pm) we offer a small number of 30 hour places, which run from 8.45am-  3.15pm, and two Reception classes.

    Each Nursery session has 26 places. Our Reception currently has sixty places and this is organised into two registration classes. These are supported by three early years practitioners.




    Mrs DaltonEYFS Phase Leader

    Mrs Machin

    Nursery Teacher

    Mrs ElmsNursery Teacher

    Miss Redfern

    Nursery Nurse

    Mrs Dalton

    Reception Teacher

    Mrs Ling

    Reception Teacher

    Mrs Norton-HayesHive Teacher

    Miss Wetton

    Nursery Nurse

    Miss O'Donnell Teaching Assistant
    Miss FullerTeaching Assistant 
    Miss BhekaTeaching Assistant 
    Mrs BondTeaching Assistant
    Mrs OkurowskaTeaching Assistant
    Mrs EdwardsTeaching Assistant
    Ms TaylorTeaching Assistant Apprentice
    Miss RudnickaTeaching Assistant Apprentice




    What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

    The Early Years Foundation Stage is the period of a child’s education from birth to five years. There is a strong emphasis on learning through play, both child initiated and planned play. The curriculum is delivered through a combination of whole class activities, adult led focused activities and child initiated activities.


    At Moat House, we believe that childhood is a time of play and that through play, we discover the excitement of learning, the rewards of achievement, and acquire our life skills. Our Foundation Stage, with its well planned, bright, colourful, stimulating environment, encourages the children in the development of skills, attitudes and understanding that will help them to live full, satisfying lives and become confident, useful, active members of a diverse and constantly changing society.

     It is through this process that the children work towards, achieve and, in some cases, exceed the Early Learning Objectives as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile reported at the end of the Foundation Stage.

    Working Together