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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Our silver award ran out in January 2023 and we are currently working towards reaccreditation. A new Statement of Commitment (see below) was submitted in June 2023 and we have two years from this point to submit an Impact Statement which will be used to confirm whether we get a new Artsmark Award.

Artsmark Silver Award


We were very proud to be awarded the Artsmark Silver Level award in January 2021 just 18 months after we submitted our Statement of Commitment. This award will last for 2 years at which point we will need to reapply. More details about our Artsmark journey can be seen in the attached documents.

Y3 at Think Tank:

On Wednesday 12th February 2020, Year 3 visited the Think Tank in Birmingham for their Highly Sprung Inspiration day. The children were separated into three groups and worked in different areas of the museum to learn all about the heart and how to keep it healthy. They were treated to a performance, which explored how we can keep our hearts healthy.  The children found the museum truly fascinating and enjoyed learning more about the human body - some children were brave enough to watch a video of open heart surgery too!


Sculptor in Key Stage 2:      

On Tuesday 11th – Thursday 14th February 2020, our Key Stage 2 children worked with a specialist artist (Angela) to develop their creative skills and design their own sea themed creatures. Some of our most talented artists worked with Angela to create a large model of a sea creature out of Modroc. Then all of the children designed and created their own fishy creature out of a small water bottle. The children thoroughly enjoyed designing their creatures and the results look amazing. Angela has now created a permanent display out of the children’s creations, with the largest sea creature as an impressive centrepiece. Next time you are in school, do take a moment to look out for this display.

Working Together