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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Message from our Chair of Governors


Dear Parents and Carers,

On behalf of all of the children, staff and governors may I welcome you to Moat House Community Primary School. We are very proud of our school and the opportunities it offers to all of our pupils. Everyone involved sets the highest standards in both work and behaviour and every effort is made to ensure that each individual achieves their full potential. I believe we offer a caring, stimulating environment where the relationships that exist between pupils, parents and staff promote a high quality of education. The school is committed to working closely with parents, to ensure that each child derives the maximum benefit, both academically and socially, from their time at Moat House. It has been my pleasure to be Chair of the Governing Body for some years now. Most recently we have been looking at how we can improve our  own performance in the leadership of the school and the development of an effective partnership with our Headteacher. These developments will follow the reconstitution of the Governing Body. You are very welcome to visit the school, either during one of our open sessions for new parents, or by appointment with the Headteacher.

We look forward to continuing to provide your child's education or your child joining us.

Sandra Horton

Chair of Governors

What do we do?

 All schools are overseen by a volunteer Governing Body who, alongside the headteacher, set the vision for the school. Together they ensure that the school works effectively and efficiently to achieve its vision by:

  • Building a thorough knowledge of the school and its community;
  • Supporting and constructively challenging the school;
  • Ensuring accountability - judging the school's performance openly; and,
  • Compliance - ensuring the school meets all its legal obligations, for example safeguarding children and managing finances.


The Governing Body works in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the local authority. In practice, the headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school. However, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. They ensure the school functions well and set the direction and policies for the school, to provide ongoing support and advice and to monitor the outcome.


Who are we?

The Governing Body consists of:

  • the headteacher
  • one elected staff governor
  • one appointed local authority governor
  • six co-opted governors
  • two parent governors


More information can be found below relating to the responsibilities of the governing body.

Governor Pen Portraits

Here are a few words about some of our Governors…


Sandra Horton, (Chair of Governors)

I have lived in the area since 1954 and attended Wood End School between 1954 and 1959.  I subsequently worked in Wood End and the surrounding area as a housing officer for Whitefriars Housing Group (previously Coventry City Council) for 29 years.  I also worked as a Youth Worker in Henley Green for 27 years. I have been a school governor for over 40 years, having served on the governing bodies at Woodway Park Secondary School, Eburne Primary School, Annie Osborne Primary School and Henley Green Primary School.  I held the position of Chair of Governors at Eburne, Annie Osborne and Henley Green. I have been on the governing body of Moat House Primary School since the school opened in 2002 and became Chair of Governors in 2012.


Alison Stringer (Vice Chair)

I have been a Governor at Most House for 7 yrs and am the Vice Chair, linked to “Health and Wellbeing “ and “Life Skills”. In these roles I pay regular termly visits to The School Council, Staff Meetings and Curriculum leads. 

I have a background in Primary Education, as a teacher and latterly as a Headteacher and School Improvement Partner in Warwickshire, spanning nearly 40 years. 

In these roles I have experience of leadership and improvement of schools in areas similar to Wood End . I have seen the school grow significantly over time, establishing a strong staff team and most effective wide ranging provision for the children. I am very proud to be a member of the Governing Body at Moat house.


Alasdair Black

As Headteacher, I automatically become part of the governing body. This gives me the opportunity to discuss the strategic direction of the school with governors and to discuss school performance, standards and finance with them. They provide invaluable support but can be very challenging at times when holding me to account for the progress of pupils in the school. We all want the best for our children! Additionally, I am grateful for the support which governors also provide throughout the school year through activities such as the termly Governor Awards, invigilating during SATs tests and supporting key areas school development through Learning Walks and meeting school leaders.


Mel Collins

My name is Melanie Collins and I am the teacher representative on Moat House’s governing body. I have been a governor at Moat House since 2015 but have a lot of experience in this role, as I have been a governor in two of my previous school settings. In my role as Deputy Headteacher at Moat House, it is extremely beneficial for me to be a part of the governing body so that I can work alongside, as well as support other key stakeholders. It is a privilege to work with members of the community in this role and I am excited about how we can work as a team to move the school forward.


Pat Seaman

I have been a governor since 2015 at Moat House Primary School.  This coincided with my appointment as an elected member of Coventry City Council for Henley Ward. I bring to the board my experience of being a mother of six children and skills developed throughout my professional career as a community and youth worker. I fully support the school’s vision statement and will commit to ensure all of the children reach their potential as a member of the school board.


Steve Ainge

I was delighted to be appointed as a governor at Moat House Primary School in 2019. I am currently enjoying my retirement, after spending most of my working life (thirty years) in education. During my career, I worked in five primary schools and have been the head teacher at two Coventry schools. I have also been a governor at four other schools. In addition, I have had the joy of having four of my own children go through their schooling in Coventry. It is a privilege to serve on the governing body of a school with such a committed and talented staff.


Robert Hall MBE

I have been a Governor at the school for sixteen years and I am also a Trustee of Moat House Community Trust. My day job is as a local builder in the Walsgrave and Henley Green areas. I am very interested in education and training, having trained many apprentices in the construction trades over the years.


Nicola Rhodes

I have been a governor for a number of years at Moat House Primary School.  I was initially a parent governor and I enjoyed my time so much, that I continued on as a co-opted governor until the present day. 

I have a number of years' experience working in education as a Teaching Assistant and I am passionate about supporting the school to provide a great learning environment for the children.  In my role as a TA, I support children, where English is an Additional Language (EAL), over 50% of the children who attend Moat House are EAL. I think it is key to break down the language barrier and build the relationship between school and home. 

In terms of my governor responsibilities, I meet on a regular basis with the PE lead and monitor the use and provision of the Sports and PE Premium funding.   I really enjoy the children being active both as part of the curriculum and by trying something new when attending an extra-curricular activity.   At a more strategic level,  I frequently attend the governor briefings ran by Coventry City Council and feedback any key information to the Board for their consideration.

Working Together