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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Parents News

Autumn Term 24


Clubs:    You will have received a letter giving details of a wide range of after school clubs available for your child. These include: football, gymnastics, arts and crafts and nature. You will need to sign up for a club using the My Child at School app.


Macmillan Coffee Morning:            On Friday 20th September, we will be holding a non-uniform day in exchange for a donation of shop bought cakes (which will need to be in date and edible for at least a week). Please also ensure that they do not contain nuts. The following week (Friday 27th September), we will be participating in the national Macmillan coffee morning. Parents, carers, relatives and friends are invited to join us in the school dining area from 9:00 am – 10:00 am, to enjoy a coffee (or tea) and a cake for a small donation. Our children, of course, will not be missing out - there will be a cake sale during the day, so children are invited to bring along 20p to buy a cake. We look forward to welcoming you in school and we would like to thank you for supporting us to raise money for the fabulous work that the Macmillan nurses do.


Jewellery:      Just a reminder that the only jewellery which children are allowed to wear at school are stud earrings and watches (as long as they are not smart watches).


Welcome Back:     It was great to see the children back in school on Tuesday and I hope that they have all enjoyed their first few days in their new classes. They were all very smartly dressed and looked wonderful! The Year 6 children looked especially grown up in their new black sweatshirts and seem ready to take on the mantle of being role models for the rest of the school. I am looking forward to another exciting year at Moat House and look forward to meeting you at Parents’ Evening, class assemblies or on the playground at the start or end of the school day.


New Start Time:    Thanks to you all for getting your child/ren in to school before our new bell time of 8.45am. Starting at this time means that our school day now matches the government requirements.


Class Assemblies: Please make a note of your child’s class assembly date, as detailed below. It is always a joy for us to invite you into school to share with you what your children have been learning.







Friday 4th October


Friday 17th January


Friday 9th May


Friday 11th October


Friday 14th February


Friday 13th June


Friday 8th November


Friday 14th March


Friday 27th June


Friday 22nd November


Thursday 10th April


Friday 11th July


Thursday 12th December







Healthy Food and Drink:                 Please remember to bring a named water bottle to school every day for your child. Children can drink water throughout the day and refill their bottle at school. Please do not send your child into school with any other drink eg: squash or fizzy drinks. Also a reminder that children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 have access to healthy snacks on a daily basis. Key Stage 2 children are welcome to bring in healthy snacks at playtime, as long as they don’t contain nuts. 


Asda Rewards:               If you shop at Asda and have the Asda rewards app on your phone, can you please nominate us in the Cashpot for schools section. They will then make a donation to us for every pound spent on shopping. Please also ask friends and relatives to do the same. Any money raised will be spent directly on the children. The promotion lasts until the end of November and it takes less than a minute to nominate us.


School Bank:  On Tuesday 10th September, the Moat House School Bank will be open once again for anyone who wishes to make a deposit or a withdrawal. Many of our children have now opened accounts and are saving hard for things like spending money for their holidays or Christmas presents. If your child would like to begin saving using the School Bank, please complete an application form and bring your first deposit along to the bank, which is open every Tuesday morning at 8:35 am. Forms are available from the school office.


Gifts:    On behalf of all of the staff I'd like to say thank you for all the cards, gifts and kind words that you gave us at the end of the Summer Term. Everything was greatly appreciated.

Summer Term 24


Summer Activities:       Please see emails sent to parents giving information about summer activities for your children. Highly Sprung are hosting Play Days. Find out more at: The Family Hub are organising a Books and Games Club, Media Mania and Movie and Popcorn afternoons, amongst other activities, whilst the Guardian Ballers are offering basketball, multisport and wellbeing experience days.


Timings:    It has come to our attention that our school day is 5 minutes short (despite extending it last year). To resolve this we will be starting 5 minutes earlier from September. Doors will now open at 8:35am with registration at 8:45am. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.


Transition Day: On Wednesday 3rd July, all of our children were excited to be told their new classroom and teacher for September. They spent the whole day in their new classrooms and the children and staff enjoyed getting to know each other. These are the classes for the new academic year:



Mrs Machin and Mrs Elms (NAM)

Mrs Machin and Mrs Elms (NPM)


Mrs Dalton (RSD)

Mrs Ling (RJL)

Year 1

Mrs Thompson (1ET)

Mrs Walker (1RW)

Year 2

Miss Dillon (2BD)

Miss Maxwell (2MM)

Year 3

Miss Wilson (3EW)

Miss Smith (3KS)

Miss Lane (3ML)

Year 4

Miss Lynch (4NL)

Miss Wooding (4MW)

Year 5

Mr Kelly (5JK)

Mrs Meininger (5LM)

Year 6

Miss Bird (6CB)

Mrs Taylor (6ST)



Sun Safety:  Every year we teach our children about the importance of staying safe in the sun and they learn to Slip, Slop, Slap to remain safe - Slip on a t-shirt to keep themselves covered, Slop on some sun cream and Slap on a hat to shade their face and neck. We've not had too much to worry about so far this year but are hopeful that we might all be using sun cream and sun hats soon!


Safe Space:      Please see the letter sent out via email about the introduction of Safe Spaces across Coventry City. The aim is to provide young people with accessible and secure spaces when they are not feeling safe. Personnel at all of the locations have received training and are equipped with resources, including phone chargers as well as food and hygiene packs. The nearest Safe Space in the vicinity of Moat House is The Moat Family Hub - clear stickers will be displayed in all of the Safe Spaces across the city so that they are easily identifiable.


NSPCC Support: Please see the letter sent out via email about the Speak Out. Stay Safe programme that we partner with the NSPCC to deliver to our children.


Parking:  Please be patient and use the drop off area in front of the school or another marked parking space to drop off or collect your children. There have been a few near misses recently when cars have stopped near the zebra crossing.


Vapes:  Can you please remind your children that they should not pick up or attempt to use discarded vapes. These present a danger and should be left alone. The legal age to use a vape is 18 and children must not use them.


School Crossing Patrol: There is currently a vacancy for a school crossing patrol outside of Moat House. If you know of anyone that may be interested, please feel free to share the advert that was sent out via email earlier this week.


Spring Term 2024:


Book Fair:      Our Book Fair was collected on Wednesday 20th March and we would like to thank you all for visiting and purchasing books for your children to enjoy. As an additional bonus, the school will receive a percentage of the total number of books purchased, to buy more books for our school library. Happy reading everyone!


Parents’ Evening: Thank you to those people who were able to attend parents’ evening in the week commencing 18th March. If you were unable to see your child’s teacher, please don’t hesitate to request a separate appointment, either via the school office or by speaking to your child’s class teacher.


Crossing Patrol:   We have been informed that the local authority have been unable to recruit for the position of school crossing patrol, so please can we remind you to take extra care when crossing Deedmore Road with your children.


Parking:   We are very fortunate that we can enable our parents to park on the school site but please only use designated parking spaces and not the zebra crossing or disabled parking spaces.


Internet Usage:   We have recently become aware of several reports of inappropriate online activity involving social media and/or online messaging. As a school, we regularly teach the children about how to keep themselves and others safe whilst using phones or tablets etc however it is important that this is also addressed at home and that usage of the internet is monitored regularly and parental safety tools are used, where appropriate. May we please also take this opportunity to remind you that children should only be bringing a phone to school if they are in Year 5 or 6 and walk to and from school unaccompanied.


Vapes:  You will be aware that there have been problems nationally with children using vapes and that there is currently a campaign to stop this from happening. Illegal vapes containing THC, cannabis and other substances are a national and local concern. The vapes are resulting in some youths becoming aggressive, foaming at the mouth, having seizures and becoming unconscious. If any youths have these symptoms, then please call for an ambulance.


Road Safety: Recently there was a near miss involving a child from Moat House and a motor vehicle on the main road, in front of the school. The authority are currently in the process of recruiting for the school crossing patrol position but in the meantime, please can I urge you to remind your children about how to cross the road safely, especially those who make their own way to school. 


Mental Health Support:      Please see the email that has been sent to parents to support mental health and well-being – the theme next week is “Setting Goals” – see flyer for more information.


Car Safety:      It has been brought to our attention that some of our children have not been securely fastened whilst travelling in a motor vehicle. Please note that it is against the law to travel in a car or other vehicle without all passengers (as well as the driver) wearing a seat belt. Children under 135 cm in height must also use a car or booster seat.


Activity Camp: Please see flyer that has been sent via email for an opportunity for your children to take part in outdoor activities and challenges over the half term break.


Mental Health Support:           Please see the email that has been sent to parents to support mental health and well-being – the theme this week is “Connecting” – see flyer for more information.


Parent Governor: We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. If you would like to find out more about the role, please ask at the office.


Free School Meals: A reminder that if your child is in Reception or Key Stage 1, they are entitled to a free school meal, regardless of whether you receive benefits or not. With the current cost of living crisis, it makes perfect sense for your child to take advantage of a daily hot meal that they are all fully entitled to. Please speak to the office or your child’s class teacher if you would like your child to change from a packed lunch to a hot meal. 


Autumn Term 2023:


Wear and Share: Please see the email that has gone out today about an initiative to provide free activewear and to encourage a healthier and more active lifestyle – a perfect way to begin the new year! Appointments are available on Thursday 11th January at the Moat House Leisure Centre – use the QR code or the link to book.


Behaviour Support:  My Family Coach is a free platform for schools and families for help and support with all areas of behaviour and family life. The platform includes over fifty hours of free support content, including articles, podcasts, videos, ebooks and quarterly online parent classes. These resources cover a huge variety of topics including: relationships, communication, mental wellbeing, friendships, bullying, calming down, school life, at risk behaviour and screen time. To access these free resources, follow this link:


HAF Activities:

Please use the following link to access HAF activities, which will be held over the Christmas break (23rd December – 7th January Coventry Holiday Activities and Food Programme – Coventry City Council


Food Vouchers:     Unfortunately, the government have not provided enough money for Coventry to provide families with food vouchers over the Christmas holiday. If you need to access food support, this continues to be available through application to the Household Support Fund: Children eligible for Free School Meals can also access our Coventry Holiday Activities and Food Programme offer. This includes free holiday activities all with nutritional food provided for the child. For more details please go to:


Children in Need:         We managed to raise a grand total of £461.08 from our recent toy sale for Children in Need – thank you to everyone for your contributions and support.


Temporary Classroom:       Over the next few weeks, we are having a temporary classroom delivered and installed opposite the Year 2 classrooms (where the see-saw is). Can we ask that you follow any safety signs or instructions as it is set up to keep you and your children safe. We will be using it to teach an additional Year 2 class due to the number of children in Coventry who need school places.


Allergy Awareness:           At Moat House Primary School we aim to be a nut-free school.  We would like to raise awareness that in the interests of protecting pupils and staff with nut allergies, we request that you do not send your children to school with any nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes or for snacks at break time. Our “Nut-Free Policy” means that the following items should not be brought into school; packaged nuts, peanut butter or chocolate spreads containing nuts (eg: Nutella) cereal, granola or chocolate bars containing nuts, cake or biscuits containing nuts. peanut-based sauces like satay or any food made with sesame seeds (which can cause a similar allergic reaction). The above list is not exhaustive so please can we ask that you check the ingredient lists carefully. We appreciate that lots of parents like to celebrate their child's birthday by bringing in treats for their class and if you would like to do this please do, but we do ask that any treats are nut free. Both children and adults with severe nut allergies can suffer from life-threatening reactions if they eat, smell, or touch any foods containing nuts. We are therefore grateful for your cooperation in helping to keep our pupils and staff safe. Please make school aware if your child has a nut or any other allergy.


Giving Tree:        Are you worried about buying Christmas presents this year? The Giving Tree project is running this year and might be able to help. The project can provide presents for any Coventry children aged 16 and under living at your address, if you are in receipt of housing and child benefit (or those elements of Universal Credit). Please see flyer that was sent out earlier in the week or speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team who will be able to help you to apply.


Sleep Support: Please see email about a help line for people with sleep issues> The help line number is: 03303 530 541 and is available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm until 9pm and Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am until 11am.


Children in Need: Early in the second part of the Autumn half term, we will be raising money for Children In Need. On Monday 6th November, we will begin selling merchandise at playtimes as follows: Pudsey ears - £2.50, Pudsey pins - £1.00. On Friday 10th November, children are invited to come to school dressed in their pyjamas in exchange for a book or toy of GOOD quality (this could be an item from home that is no longer used). The following week (Friday 17th November), there will be a toy and book sale - children will be invited to bring a maximum of £5 to school so that they can buy a toy or book from the sale.   


Poppies:        We hope to have poppies for sale after half-term; we’ve contacted the British Legion and are waiting for a delivery.


Secondary School Places:     The deadline to apply for secondary school places is 11:59pm on Tuesday 31st October 2023. If parents miss this deadline, applications are likely to be considered after those who have applied on time. Applications should be made online through the local authority website wherever possible. Parents will need proof of address. It is strongly recommended that parents use all school preference options.    


Healthy Snacks:        Please can you ensure that children are provided with only healthy snacks eg: fruit or cereal bars to eat at breaktimes and not crisps, Pringles, chocolate etc.


Parents’ Event: On Tuesday 10th October, it was wonderful to welcome lots of parents in to school to launch our latest parental engagement project. Mr Gilmour shared that there will be a weekly after school club for parents to attend with their children so that they can spend quality time together with a focus, lead by the school. This initial meeting was to gather ideas for what parents and children would enjoy. Mr Gilmour will be leading the first event of Movies and Munchies on Tuesday 7th November. Look out for a letter next week with more information.


Site Safety:      There was a “near miss” recently in our site car park, so please can I remind you to take extra care when using this facility – there is a 5 mph speed limit to ensure that everyone is safe.


School Meals:   Please can you let the office know if you wish for your child to change from a school dinner to a packed lunch or vice versa. As long as we are notified before 9am, then this can be arranged.


Uniform and Shoes:    Please send your child to school wearing correct, labelled uniform (it doesn’t need to have logos on) so nobody ‘stands out’ by being dressed differently, which can be embarrassing. Now that winter approaches, we would ask that children wear a pair of black, school shoes. School shoes offer the best protection against the weather.


Lost Property: We have already got a lot of children’s clothes / uniform which we can’t give back as it is not named. Can you please label all of your child’s clothes and belongings so we can return them if they get lost.


Footballs:      Each year group has a football that they can use at lunchtime. Please don’t let your child bring in a ball from home. We don’t have the space for any extra football matches!


Online Safety: We have become aware that some of our children access TikTok and WhatsApp through their phones or other devices. Due to the current age restrictions, none of our children should be accessing these internet platforms, however the age restrictions will be increasing soon to 18 and 16 respectively. Please monitor your child’s use of devices and be online safety aware.


Jewellery:     Just a reminder that the only jewellery which children are allowed to wear at school are stud earrings and watches (as long as they are not smart watches).


School Timings September 2023:        Thank you for your co-operation in ensuring that your children arrive at school from 8:40 am for a prompt start at 8:50 am. As a result of this, we have also adjusted the breaktimes and lunchtimes for our Key Stage 2 children – breaktime is now 10:30 – 10:45 am and lunchtimes are now 12:20 until 1:10 pm.


Summer Term July 23


Reports:  Your child’s annual school report was given out on Monday 10th July and we hope that you find it a useful record of your child’s achievements and progress over this academic year. There was an opportunity for parents to come in to school to discuss their child’s report on Wednesday 19th July.


School Meals: Please note that the cost of a school meal will be £2.30 from September 2023.


Parent App:         Thank you to all of our parents who have downloaded the new app (My Child at School).  As from September, this will be the main form of communication from school and will replace our existing parent app.  So that you don't miss out on important information regarding your child, including trips, paying for dinners, booking after school clubs and receiving messages, please download the app, by visiting  You will have received an email from school with an invitation code, which you will need  to redeem.  Please contact the office if you haven't received this and they will check your email address and resend. The office are more than happy for you to come into school if you need any help with this.


School Day:     Just to confirm, the governors have ratified that from September 2023, the school day will begin ten minutes earlier at 8:50 am, meaning the classroom doors will open at 8:40 am. The end of the school day will not change – children will still need to be collected at 3:20pm.


Internet Safety: Please see the flyer that was sent out earlier this week by the Family Hub, giving details about workshops for parents, concerning internet safety – these will be held on 19th and 20th July.


School Uniform:       As we approach the end of the school year and as the weather gets warmer, can we remind you that the children still need to wear school uniform. We have a small stock of spare uniform that children have outgrown that is available from the office free of charge if you need it. 


Warm Weather         As the weather appears to be warming up (finally!) we would encourage children to wear bucket hats or sun hats and ask that you put sun cream on them before they come to school. We have some in school that they can have at lunchtime. Please let their teacher know if you do not want them to give your child any.


Sun Safety:   As the weather is starting to improve and the UV levels are rising, we are encouraging the children to start wearing sun cream on high UV days and sunny days, as well as sun hats. We have a supply of sun cream in school, which we can use if children forget to put any on before school but it would be better if you could apply it before they come in the morning. The attached letter has more detailed information in it. If you do not wish us to apply or offer sun cream to your child, can you please let your child's class teacher know or contact us via the school office.


Jewellery/Smart Watches:   Several children have recently started wearing jewellery or smart watches at school. Can I remind you that, apart from stud earrings, no jewellery is allowed to be worn so can you please ask your child to leave their bracelets, rings, necklaces etc at home. 


Energy Support: Please click on the following link to apply for the Coventry Energy Fund. COVENTRY ENERGY FUND (    

This scheme can help people who may have a low income, are in receipt of benefits, or are living with someone with a vulnerability. For more information, there is also an advice line: 0800 988 2881.


The Circus is in Town:  Circus Cortex is returning to Coventry/Binley Woods for the second year running. There will be two shows per day running from Friday 26th May until Sunday 4th June and it will be held at the Broadstreet RF Club on Rugby Road, CV3 2AY. Please use the website to book your tickets and use the discount code SCHOOL7 at the checkout for £7 Off VIP & Grandstand tickets.


Online Safety:           We have recently become aware of some inappropriate online activity that has been taking place outside of school with children in Key Stage 2 and including some as young as Year 3. Teachers have revisited online safety in their classes however, we would urge you to carefully monitor your children’s use of mobile phones and other devices, including checking who they are interacting with.


Allergy Awareness: At Moat House Primary School we aim to be a nut-free school.  We would like to raise awareness that in the interests of protecting pupils and staff with nut allergies, we request that you do not send your children to school with any nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes or for snacks at break time. Our “Nut-Free Policy” means that the following items should not be brought into school; packaged nuts, peanut butter or chocolate spreads containing nuts (eg: Nutella) cereal, granola or chocolate bars containing nuts, cake or biscuits containing nuts. peanut-based sauces like satay or any food made with sesame seeds (which can cause a similar allergic reaction). The above list is not exhaustive so please can we ask that you check the ingredient lists carefully. We appreciate that lots of parents like to celebrate their child's birthday by bringing in treats for their class and if you would like to do this please do, but we do ask that any treats are nut free. Both children and adults with severe nut allergies can suffer from life-threatening reactions if they eat, smell, or touch any foods containing nuts. We are therefore grateful for your cooperation in helping to keep our pupils and staff safe. Please make school aware if your child has a nut or any other allergy.


School Environment: We put a lot of effort into keeping our school environment safe, clean and tidy and we always encourage our children to respect the grounds: inside and out. It has been noticed recently that there has been unnecessary litter on the outdoor school grounds and in particular around the Early Years area; some of which is hazardous to children. Please can you encourage your children to act responsibly and to take litter home. Thank you.


Energy Drinks: Please note, these are not permitted as an appropriate drink for children at school.


School Timings:  Last year the Government stated that a school week should be at least 32.5 hours from when the morning register is done until the children go home. This means that our school day is currently 10 minutes too short. We will be consulting with parents over the coming weeks to find out what your preferred change would be; either we do morning registers at 8.50am (doors will open at 8.40am) or we finish at 3.30pm instead of 3.20pm. You will get a text to tell you when the consultation has begun.


Jewellery:       Can you please make sure that your child doesn’t wear any jewellery to school. Apart from stud earrings, children are not allowed to wear any. I’ve had to ask several children recently to remove necklaces, bracelets and rings. Thank you for your help with this.


Strike Days:     School will be closed on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May due to industrial action. Any children who had paid towards the Warwick Arts Centre trip will get their money back.


The Moat Hub     For anyone who doesn't already know, can we make you aware that the Hub is a dedicated 'warm space' where you are welcome to spend some time and you can get a free cup of tea or coffee while you are there. They also have a large selection of pre-loved children's and babies' clothes and can offer people free fruit and vegetables (which are delivered to the Hub on Mondays). You are welcome to pop in at any time to find out more and one of their friendly members of staff will assist you.


Half Term Events: Please refer to the email already sent for a booking form and more information about a free activity sports camp due to be held on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st February. Please see the poster emailed to you, to invite you to participate in a question and answer session with Andy Street (Mayor of the Midlands) which will be held on Tuesday 21st February, at 6pm at the Square One Bar in Coventry.  


Car ParkI met with the headteacher of Castle Wood in the week beginning 13th February to discuss some recent issues that have occurred in the car park and we have written a joint letter to all of our parents (see letters section). This explains how we are working together to try to address the issue and also asks for your support.


School Nursing Newsletter: Please use the link below to access this term’s newsletter from the Coventry School Nursing team 


Sports Camp: We have been notified of a free sports camp, which will be held at the Moat House Leisure Centre on Tuesday 21st and 22nd February from 11:00 - 14:00 on the 3G pitch (this is half term week). The days will consist of multi-sport activities, including football, dodgeball, netball, rounders and many more. The camp is open to young people aged 6 to 16. There are fifty spaces available so please email, in order to secure your place.  


Coffee Mornings Change: You will have received a letter and flyer about a change to the forthcoming mental health coffee events. On Thursday 16th February (10 am to 11 am) the event will be held via Zoom (see link included with a separate email sent) and the topic will be anxiety and stress management.

Support for Parents:   You will have received an email about a SENDIASS coffee morning due to be held at the Metropolis Restaurant in Coventry on Thursday 9th February at 10 am. If you have a query about Special Educational Needs, then this session could be just for you and will be able to answer any questions that you might have. There is also a money advice session being held at the Coventry City Mission on Tuesday 31st January from 11:30 am. If you have any questions that you would like to ask about utility bills or checking that you are receiving everything that you are entitled to, then this session could help.


WhatsApp:    We have been notified of several incidents recently whereby children have been setting up or contributing to WhatsApp groups with inappropriate titles and/or content. If your child has a phone, please can you ensure that you regularly monitor their usage, including messages and/or internet use. 


Tea/Coffee Drop in sessions:  Please see flyer previously emailed, providing details of drop in sessions, organised by the Mental Health in schools team. The sessions are as follows:


Date                        Time        Focus
Monday 16th January          9 am        Mental health awareness
Wednesday 8th February    1:45pm    Anxiety and stress management
Monday 6th March              9 am        Signs, symptoms and management of low mood



Dangers at Home:        During Year 1’s Tizz Time, on Thursday 5th January, a few children mentioned there being sharp objects, including broken glass in the home. To ensure that your children are kept safe, please can you be aware that sharp and broken objects can be dangerous and these need to be securely stored or disposed of.

Parent Governor Vacancy: Are you interested in taking a greater part in school life? Can you make a difference to Moat House? Do you enjoy being part of a team? If the answer is “yes,” you may be just who we are looking for! We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor and are keen for someone to join us, on our journey to continue to improve Moat House. If you are interested in being a part of the governing body, please ask at the school office for more information.


Appropriate Viewing:        It has been brought to our attention that several children have been viewing material that is inappropriate for their age, resulting in nightmares. Please can we ask you to carefully monitor your children and what they are watching or accessing. 

3HT:      In the new year, Miss Hall will be returning to Moat House and she will be teaching 3HT alongside Mrs Collins (new teacher).


Increase in Viruses:          You will have received information (via email) about the increase of scarlet fever and Strep A. At this time of year, there are lots of viruses that can cause sore throats, colds, and coughs. Most children with these viruses will have a mild illness and improve without medical intervention. However, children can on occasion develop a bacterial infection as well as the virus and that can make them more unwell. Parents should always seek the support of a medical practitioner if they are concerned about their child’s symptoms. Cleaning routines within school have been reviewed and updated in line with the latest government advice. We are also reminding children to wash and sanitise their hands regularly


Car Safety:         During Year 1’s Tizz Time, quite a few of our children mentioned that they did not wear a seat belt in the car all of the time or some of the time. Please can you ensure that children are correctly secured in the car, as required by law. We will be revisiting car safety in further PSHRE sessions.


Parent Support:    Please see flyer about a free session for parents giving advice and information about benefits and energy support – this will be held on Wednesday 7th December at 10 am at the Council House. We have also been notified about a coffee afternoon planned for 14th December, organised by the Mental Health in Schools Team. The team would like to gain parent views about how they can support your child’s mental health and well being – see attachment for further details.

Football Fever:     On Monday 21st November, those who wanted to, enjoyed watching England’s start to their World Cup campaign. The dining hall was decorated with flags from countries around the world and the children were able to enjoy hot dogs for lunch. With England firmly in control at half time, it was time for a treat – chocolate chip cookies for all!


NSPCC Assemblies: On Wednesday 23rd November, our Key Stage 1 and 2 children participated in assemblies provided by the NSPCC entitled “Speak out. Stay safe.” The children were introduced to a character called Buddy and they were given the challenge to think about things that might be a concern to them. The children were also encouraged to think of some specific adults who they could speak to if they did have a worry or if they did not feel safe.


Children in Need: We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for your support for Children in Need. The merchandise, which included Pudsey ears, wrist bands and badges raised £263.75 and the non-uniform day raised £175.98. Thank you to everyone for your support.


Punctuality:       Just to remind parents and carers that school classroom doors open at 8:50am and close at 9:00am. Traffic seems to have increased recently in and around school and whenever there is rain, there is even more congestion. It is advised to add at least ten minutes to your journey to allow for the extra traffic when there is rain.


Housing Support:         The Family Hubs have access to a housing support service (P3) which can help families with advice about paying rent, mortgages or negotiating with landlords. The email address for support is as follows:


Parental Support:           Please see the flyer from the Recovery and Wellbeing Academy, which provides details of various online courses to support parents with issues such as children’s anxiety, self-esteem and sensory needs


Early Mental Health Support:    Please see letter giving details about upcoming coffee mornings available to parents. The Early Mental Health Team aim to promote positive wellbeing and mental health for children across Coventry and you will be able to find out more at the drop in sessions.


Hope:     Key Stage 2 really enjoyed a thought provoking performance called Hope on Thursday 17th November. It is a play about bullying and it linked in with our anti-bullying week activities. After the play, the actors did workshops with our Year 4, 5 and 6 children.


Zebra Crossing;    If you drive on the school site can you please give way to pedestrians at the zebra crossing.


Recipe Link:    

With the cost of living crisis affecting each and every one of us, we could all do with some helpful hints about how we can save a few pennies. Please see the link below for recipes appropriate for families on a budget:


School Nursing Support:         

Please see the October newsletter from the School Nursing team, which includes lots of useful information, as well as links and contact information for specific needs.



Can we ask you to please be considerate when parking on site and to please remember the needs of the parents and children from Castle Wood as well as our own.


I’ve spoken to several children recently about wearing necklaces and bracelets in school. These are not allowed. Can you please remind your children not to wear them or bring them to school.


Parent Participation Workers:   

Parent Carer Forums work with local councils and health to improve services for families, children and young people with additional needs and Coventry currently doesn’t have one. If you are interested, please see email as follows:


Macmillan Coffee morning:            

On Friday 23rd September, we will be holding a non-uniform day in exchange for a donation of shop bought cakes (which will need to be in date and edible for at least a week). The following week (Friday 30th September), we will be participating in the national Macmillan coffee morning. Parents, carers, relatives and friends are invited to join us in the school dining area from 9:15 am – 10:15 am, to enjoy a coffee (or tea) and a cake for a small donation. Our children, of course, will not be missing out - there will be a cake sale during the day, so children are invited to bring along 20p to buy a cake. We look forward to welcoming you in school and we would like to thank you for supporting us to raise money for the fabulous work that the Macmillan nurses do.


Parent Information Sessions:         

Please see the flyer for a range of free parent information sessions to support with issues, including sleep, behaviour and anxiety. For more information you can also email: or call 01926 495321 ext 7417 or 7494.


Coventry Boot Fund:    

If you are struggling to provide school shoes for your child, we may be able to help as the charity “The Coventry Children’s Boot Fund” can support families who are finding it difficult to purchase appropriate shoes for their child. Please speak to your child’s class teacher or see the school office if you feel that this could be of benefit to you.


Complex Communication Needs:

Please see the flyer, which gives details of a series of six free workshop sessions aimed at parents and carers of children on the autism spectrum and with complex communication needs. The sessions will be delivered online on Thursdays, starting on Thursday 15th September. Please email for more information. 


Internet Safety Workshops:     

We have been made aware of some internet safety workshops aimed at parents and carers, which will share guidance and strategies on how to make the internet a safer experience for children. There are two dates available for these online sessions: Monday 26th or Thursday 29th September 2022. Please see the poster for further details.


Family Learning:

Please see the attachment inviting parents to take part in free stay and play sessions for 0-5 year olds and for the parents of school aged children, the opportunity to take part in learning that would support you to understand how Maths and English are taught in the primary school – the courses provide information about what your children learn at school and how you can help at home.



The Family Hub have asked us to distribute their timetable and a list of agencies which might be useful for you over the summer. Please see link for further information. If you need any help or support over the holidays, please just pop in; they are open all summer.

Please see attachments Below.

Support for Parents:          We have been notified of a website to support parents with a range of issues, including behaviour at home. For more information, please go to

SEN Support: We have been notified of a series of free workshops designed to support parents of children with autism. For more information, please see attached flyer. For bookings, please visit the eventbrite page If you have any queries or questions regarding the Act for Autism courses, please call 024 7663 1835 or email 


Summer Conditions:   As the weather has become much warmer, please can we remind you to provide your child with appropriate suitable clothing eg: summer uniform and a sun hat. We do have a supply of suncream but children need to be able to apply this themselves, so it would be beneficial if this is applied at home before the start of the school day. Please can you ensure that appropriate medication (eg: Piriton) is administered to your child before school on days where there is a high pollen count. There is some very useful advice about how to treat hayfever on the NHS website:


Cycler Recycler: Look out for an opportunity to win a bike for children aged 6-12. There is a poster in the school entrance with more information about this and entries can be made up until Wednesday 20th July.   

School uniform:       As we approach the end of the school year and the weather (hopefully) gets warmer, can we remind you that the children still need to wear school uniform. We have a small stock of spare uniform that children have outgrown that is available from the office free of charge if you need it. 

Jubilee Celebrations:    The School Council (along with the rest of the school) are keen to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, so in the week commencing 23rd May, we will be taking part in a range of activities. The children will be learning all about the Queen’s reign, they will be making crowns that they can wear to an afternoon tea party, which will be held on Wednesday 25th May and they will be decorating biscuits with a red, white and blue theme. Finally, on Thursday 26th May (last day of half term) the children can wear red, white and blue to school and enjoy a jubilee themed lunch followed by a jubilee quiz.

Vaping: Worryingly, it has been brought to our attention that some of our older children have come across vaping devices and have even tried them, outside of school. Please can you help us to raise awareness that vaping can be damaging to health and is illegal for children.  


School Nursing Service: We have been notified of some free health information sessions (virtual) which could be of benefit to parents who may be having difficulty with specific health related issues. The sessions cover common problems including: sleep, toileting, eating and behaviour and will offer practical advice and ideas to support. Please see the relevant flyer on this website for more information.


Collection of children: Please may we remind you that school finishes at 3:20pm and children are expected to be collected from the classroom doors at this time. Children are only permitted to leave early, if they have evidence of a medical appointment or similar.


Family learning: There are several courses running during the Summer Term which we have been asked to tell you about – please see the flyers for more information. Any Coventry parent/carer can attend any of these courses, they are all free and last between 1 and 2 hours each week for ten weeks. 

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Information:     This Easter school holiday (Saturday 9th April – Sunday 24th April), eligible Coventry children can benefit from a wide range of over seventy quality holiday activities (all with food provided) through the Coventry HAF programme.  Eligible children are pupils in year groups of reception through to year 11, who have one or more of the following characteristics: eligible for free school meals, children in need, children on child protection plans and looked after children. Families who are eligible will receive a letter with a unique HAF code, which is required to book on to activities and a meal will be provided at each session. To find out more details about each activity, visit There is also more information via the booklet that is attached with this newsletter.

COVID-19:        You will be aware that government guidance on how we should deal with Covid changed today. The new expectations are that children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend. For adults testing positive for COVID-19 (some people will still have LFT kits available), they should stay at home for 5 days (remembering day 0 is the day of onset of symptoms/day of test if no symptoms) and avoid contact with others. They should then return to normal activities only if well enough and don't have a temperature. For children testing positive for COVID-19, they should stay at home for 3 days and avoid contact with others. They should then return to school and normal activities only if well enough and don't have a temperature. If we are made aware of any cases, we will continue to notify you so you know and can monitor your child for symptoms

Parents' Evenings:    We will be having our Spring Term Parents' Evenings during week beginning 21st March. These will be online again and you will be invited via email to make an appointment with your child/ren's class teacher.

Coventry HAF:   Free activities and food this Easter school holiday - for children eligible for Free School Meals. There are a range of activities which will be taking place this Easter. You will receive a code for your child if they are eligible. Once you have this, you can sign them up. Further details and the programme of events are on our website

Virtual Coffee Morning:      

We have been asked to notify you about some upcoming virtual coffee mornings for parents of children with additional needs. The events will be held on Friday 11th March (for parents of children with SEN) and Thursday 17th March at 10:00 am (for parents of children with dyslexia). Please see the flyers attached with this newsletter for more information.



Clothing Support:       

Some good quality casual clothing has been donated to us recently, so if you are in need of clothing for the school holidays/weekends please let a member of staff know so that we can help with this.



The Moat Family Hub have asked us to share this with parents and carers. Rethink are proud to partner with Shout 85258 to offer free and confidential support to anyone in the area who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. Shout’s text message support service is silent, anonymous and available 24/7. Trained volunteers can help with issues including anxiety, abuse, loneliness, self-harm and suicide. Text the word “GODIVA” to 82528 for support, at any time of the day or night.


Household Support Fund:        

This fund, which can provide financial grants or awards, is available to support residents who may be experiencing hardship over the winter period (until 31st March 2022). It can support with food, utility costs as well as wider essentials eg: sanitary products, cycle purchases for travel. In order to make a claim you can call 08085 834333 – there is further information available on the Coventry City Council website.


Times Table Books:     

Our previous headteacher (Mr Davies) has just published a new times table book called  'Precious Planet Times Tables.' The book contains 11 catchy, times tables rhymes all about key conservation issues. You can order a copy from Amazon.

PE Kit:

Just a reminder that for all PE lessons at school, hair should be tied up, jewellery removed and suitable outdoor attire is needed. Now that the weather is also getting colder, children will need a long sleeved top/jumper/zipped jacket along with jogging bottoms/leggings and trainers. Unless it is raining, outdoor PE will take place as per class timetables.

Outside Equipment:

You may have noticed that we have purchased some exciting new equipment for our Foundation Stage children, as well as our older children to use at playtimes. Please note that this equipment is for school time use only and it will not be supervised at the beginning or end of the school day. We cannot be held responsible for any incidents or accidents that occur on this play equipment out of school hours. 

Coventry Boot Fund:    

If you are struggling to provide school shoes for your child, we may be able to help as the charity “The Coventry Children’s Boot Fund” can support families who are finding it difficult to purchase appropriate shoes for their child. Please speak to your child’s class teacher or see the school office if you feel that this could be of benefit to you.


Can we remind you not to park for any amount of time in any disabled parking spaces and also not to drop your children off while on the roadway as it is dangerous. Thank you.

The Pantry:

We have been notified of a new food support scheme that may be helpful to families in the local area. The scheme operates by offering families up to £30 per week of food for a subscription of £3.50 per week. The Pantry also offers expert advice and support from advisors who can help families, if they are facing difficulties or barriers. Please download the flyer or contact Bianca 07393462112 or


There is a new reading log section in MarvellousMe. You can log your child's reading progress by clicking on the Reading Log. You will be directed to a Weekly Reading Log  form that you can complete and submit, it will then be sent to your child's teacher for them to view. If you need any help please contact Dee in the school office.


Thanks to all of you who took the time to complete the screening questionnaires for the University of Oxford MY-CATS project that our school is supporting. The MY-CATS team are testing out a new way of identifying and supporting young children who might benefit from help to build confidence and reduce the chance of problems with anxiety, now and in the future. The MY-CATS team is now sending feedback letters to families who completed screening questionnaires and they are contacting families who are eligible for the trial to arrange a time for a phone call. Keep a look out for emails from Emily, Anna and Natascha from the MY-CATS Team.  If you have any questions about the MY-CATS project or the feedback letters, please do not hesitate to contact the MY-CATS team (  

Phone thefts

 I was made aware recently by the police that thieves have been targeting secondary school children and stealing their mobile phones. Some of our Year 5 and 6 children have mobiles. Can you please speak to them about where and how they use them so they don't attract attention to themselves and become a victim.

Face masks

Can you please remember to bring a mask when dropping off or collecting your child/ren. We have had to give out over 40 masks this week to people who didn't have their own with them. Sadly, COVID hasn't disappeared yet and it was just before Easter that more than half the school were self-isolating due to it. We are doing everything we can to stop this from happening again and would appreciate your support with this. I look forward to the day when we don't need them anymore, but it probably won't be before the summer.


Moat House are working with the University of Oxford on a research project called MY-CATS to help reduce problems with anxiety for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  You can watch a short video about the project on the link below. If you would like to take part, please follow the link below to complete the consent form. Make sure you fill in your contact details on page 2 so the MY-CATS team can get in touch with you.  

MYCATS parent consent  A parents’ guide has also been sent to parents and is also available on the website.


Can parents please avoid using the parking spaces immediately outside Castle Wood School. There was a problem recently when a delivery lorry was unable to get round the corner and this caused the road to be blocked. I asked Castle Wood to get their parents to move the cars and it turned out that it was Moat House parents who had parked there. These spaces are not for us so please don't use them.


Lockdown Support:                

Throughout the lockdown period, we were able to support families with food parcels, as well as other essentials including white goods, beds and bedding. This was through our Breakfast Club link with Greggs, who we are most grateful for their support. We have also been notified that there is support available through the Coventry City Council Winter Grant Scheme. Adults can apply for support themselves and this includes: food. clothing and blankets, heating/lighting repairs, essential items such as sanitary products and white goods, as well as support for the payment of energy bills, such as gas, electricity and water bills. Please follow this link to apply and find out more information:

Winter Grant:

The COVID Winter Grant scheme remains available to support families and individuals with access to food, energy, water bills and other essential items.  The aim is to helping those who need it to have food on the table and other essentials, so every child will be warm and well-fed this winter. The scheme will run through until 31 March 2021. More information can be found here below.


Local residents can apply for this scheme online or by calling the Community Support Team via Customer Services on 08085 834333. Also, we have attached a flier from Severn Trent which some families may find useful.


If you need any support please phone school on 02476 612073 between 8.30am and 3.30pm or contact the following email:

Free School Meal Vouchers:

Vouchers for children eligible for FSM started again in January. If you have any questions about these please contact the school office.


Festive Performances:

Although we have not been able to invite you in to school to watch your child perform in the usual way, we have done the next best thing and recorded each class singing a festive song. You have been sent the link to access this via email, so we hope that you and your families are able to enjoy at home.



We would remind you to please stay alert and make sure that if your child is unwell in anyway, that they do not attend school.  If they have the top three symptoms of a temperature OR a new continuous cough OR a loss of taste or smell, you must self-isolate until you have taken a test and got the result.  If your child is unwell in any other way, we ask that you keep them off school, and if in any doubt, please get a test for your piece of mind and ours.


School Meals:       

From January, children will be selecting their choice of lunch from the following day’s menu, in school, as we have found that many children are not eating the choices that they have been given. This means that the school meal order forms will no longer be emailed out on a weekly basis.


Site Health and Safety:       

Please can we remind you that smoking on the school site is not permitted – this includes the car park.


Inappropriate Game: 

We have been warned about a new app called ‘Crunch Line Chronicles’ This game has a number of safeguarding issues and is not appropriate for children. Can you please check phones and devices to make sure that your child has not got access to it.

Online Safety 

As our children become more digitally aware and use their devices and the internet more frequently, it is important that we teach them how to keep safe. There is lots of useful information about how to keep your children safe when they are online at the following websites: 

There is further information about TikTok on the school website. Please be aware that this is an age restricted platform for children aged 12+.

Road Safety:   

We have been notified of two children being involved in two separate road traffic accidents recently. Please take extra care with your children whilst coming to and from school, especially as the roads become more slippery and the nights are closing in. If your child walks home unsupervised, please remind them about how to cross the road safely.


Car park:     

Can we remind you to be careful when parking to drop or collect your children. We are very lucky not to have to drop them off on Deedmore Road but acknowledge that the car park gets full very quickly before and after school. Please be patient and considerate at these times to help us keep the children safe. Please take extra care when driving on the site, particularly at the crossing opposite the main gates.


School Council:          

On Monday we held our first socially distanced School Council meeting and discussed a number of things affecting the whole school. We asked children to ask their classes about home learning ie: what worked well and how things could be improved, new playground markings as well as ideas for Children in Need. 


Moat House Honey:     

We had a pretty good harvest this year and have honey for sale that was made by our very own bees. This delicious honey can be purchased on SIMs Pay. The cost is £3.00 for an 8oz jar and £4.50 for a 12oz jar. All profits will be added to the school fund and spent on the children.


Appropriate Clothing:      

As the temperatures drop and we enter the Autumn and Winter months, it is really important that children have a warm coat and waterproof shoes to keep them dry and warm at playtimes and lunchtimes.  Can you please make sure that these are labelled with the children’s name so that they don’t get lost.

Birthday sweets:            

Many of you send sweets in for the rest of the class when it's your child's birthday. Unfortunately, this isn't possible while we are in the current situation with COVID-19 as we are limiting the amount of things that children bring in to school. As soon as things return to 'normal' we will let you know as I know that the children love to share their sweets on their birthday.



After a recent health and safety visit, we have been advised that the windows should remain open wherever possible for improved ventilation. Due to this, the temperature in school may fluctuate so therefore you may wish to supply your child with additional layers of clothing (e.g cardigan or vest).


PE Kit:        

Just a reminder that for all PE lessons at school, hair should be tied up, jewellery removed and suitable outdoor attire is needed. Now that the weather is also getting colder, children will need a long sleeved top/jumper/zipped jacket along with jogging bottoms/leggings and trainers. Unless it is raining, outdoor PE will take place as per class timetables. 


Bikes and scooters:  

Children are allowed to come to school on bikes or scooters but we ask that they don't ride them between the main gate and the playground for safety reasons. Now that people are keeping a larger distance between each other there is even less space than normal outside. Can you please check that the children have a lock to secure them during the school day.


School Meal Reminders:

Order must be placed by Tuesday for the following week. Can you please make sure your children know which dinner you have chosen for them each day. Meals are cooked according to what you order and we are not able to change them (even if the children would prefer another option). It might be helpful if you and your child make the choices together

·         Please place 1 order for each child

·         If you have informed us your child is having school meals every day, unless you tell us otherwise you will be billed weekly in ADVANCE for the meals

·         If you do not place your order by Tuesday latest, your child will be given the main menu option each day (dietary dependant)


School Uniform:      

It has been wonderful to see our children looking very smart in their new school uniforms for the start of this brand new year. Please may I take this opportunity to remind you to label all items of clothing, shoes, bags and packed lunches with children’s names. Thank you. 


New Systems and Procedures:        

We are now operating on a cashless and paperless basis. Please see details on how this works below:


Communicating with Parents:

All school letters and information will be sent to you electronically, so please ensure that you check your email inbox regularly. The school website remains the best place for school news and key information.


SIMS Pay:   

We are now only accepting payments to school via SIMS Pay. SIMS Pay is a safe, secure and easy way to pay online for school items such as school meals, trips, uniform .etc. All families have been sent an activation letter; if you have not received yours, please email us


SIMS Parent:

Parents are responsible for ensuring that the school holds accurate information about themselves and their children. You should have received an email that will give you access to the SIMS Parent app which provides a secure facility for parents to complete online data checking sheets for their child and then review and request changes to other key information that the school holds (contact details/medical information/consent etc). Please contact the office if you have not received the invitation email.


School Meals Ordering:             

School meals must now be ordered electronically in advance.
  • We will send out a link to the ordering page on a Monday morning, this will be for meals for the following week.
  • Meal choices must be submitted by Tuesday evening at the latest, as we place the order for ingredients on Wednesday morning. Please note, after Tuesday, choices cannot be changed.
  • If we do not receive your order by Tuesday, your child will receive the main menu option each day (if they are vegetarian, they will be given the vegetarian option).

From September, the cost of a school meal is £2.15 per day or £10.75 per week.

We understand that there are quite a few adjustments to get used to, but we have implemented these changes to minimise the spread of infection and assist with social distancing. If you have any questions or need any assistance, the school office are always happy to help and are available via phone or email.


Traffic Management:

We regularly review traffic management on the school site in order to ensure the safety of pupils, parents, staff and vehicles. Parents/carers can help us to achieve this by adhering to the following guidance;

  • Do not exceed the site speed limit – 5 mph
  • Only park in designated bays - no parking in laybys, on pavements or in disabled spaces.
  • Not dropping children off on traffic routes as this exposes them to other traffic hazards
  • Not accessing barricaded areas that have been reserved for coaches or commercial vehicles

Thank you for your help in making Moat House a safer school


Health Advice from the Department for Education:

You should not be unduly worried about the possibility of your children catching the Coronavirus. There is no reason why your children should not continue to attend their school or other education setting as normal. What action you can take - a UK wide campaign has been launched to provide clear advice on how to slow the spread of Coronavirus. Please help to support the campaign which promotes basic hygiene practices, such as regularly washing hands and always sneezing into a tissue, to stem the spread of viruses. The most up to date advice can be found below.

Swimming in Year 4:

Every Wednesday, our Year 4 children take part in swimming lessons at AT7. They are grouped according to their ability and develop their swimming skills, which can range from developing their confidence in water, to building their swimming stamina to enable them to swim for 25 metres, which is the national expectation for the end of Key Stage 2. It would be really beneficial if parents could support this learning by taking children to the local swimming baths, after school or at weekends as it is a skill which could save their life. Please remember: for swimming lessons, boys need to wear swimming trunks that are above the knee and girls need to wear an all in one swimming costume.


Animals on Site:       

May we please remind you that animals are not permitted on the school site. We appreciate that pets are part of the family but we need to ensure that all of our children are kept safe and that we adhere to Coventry City Council’s health and safety guidelines. If you need to bring a dog, can you please leave it tied up safely outside the site.

Labelling clothing:  

Can I ask that you take a few moments to label your child’s clothing clearly with their name and class (including coats). Our lost property box is starting to fill up and it’s much easier to return clothes when we know who they belong to.


PE Kit: 

It is important that children have the correct clothing, in order to take part in PE safely, as outdoor PE will always take place, unless it is raining or icy (as per class timetables). Children need tracksuit bottoms, a hooded top and trainers. PE is often taught by specialist sports coaches and in order to benefit from their expertise, children need to be properly equipped. Thank you.


Dogs on site:

Can I remind you that only guide dogs are allowed on site. Please don't bring a dog on to site when dropping off or collecting children. You will be asked to leave it outside the gates if you do.


Playtime Snacks:        

Please may we remind you that children should only bring healthy options to school as a playtime snack, for example: fruit or cereal bar.


Fire drill:

If a fire alarm sounds towards the end of the school day, please may we ask that parents congregate on the small playground (with the netball posts) so that we can account for all of the children as quickly as possible. It is important that if the fire alarm has been activated, that no one enters the building until we have been notified that it is safe to do so.



Please may we remind children to lock their bikes securely on the racks provided, if they use them to travel to school.


First Aid:       

We have introduced a new recording and reporting system for our first aid procedures. If your child has a minor injury at school, we will send you a text message to alert you about this and we request that you reply to this message in order to confirm that you have received the message. If there is a serious injury/incident we will ensure that we contact you by telephone to inform you.


Class Assemblies:

Please make a note of your child’s class assembly as detailed below:






Friday 13th September


Friday 1st November


Friday 20th September


Friday 8th November


Friday 27th September


Friday 15th November


Friday 4th October


Friday 22nd November


Friday 11th October


Friday 29th November


Thursday 17th October


Friday 6th December



Contact Details:       

Please ensure that we have your most up to date contact details, especially mobile phone numbers as important messages are likely to be missed if we don’t have the correct numbers. 


Community Events:         

During the summer break, there will be a free summer holiday camp every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11am – 2pm at the Moat House Leisure and Neighbourhood Centre, starting on Tuesday 30th July. A range of activities will be available, including arts and crafts, music, health, cookery and sports and there is also a free meal for all school aged children. Once registered, children 8 and over can be left, but children under 8 must be accompanied by parents.


Family Hub:        

The Moat Family Hub will be open from Monday – Friday every day through the summer holidays from 8:30 am – 5pm (4:30pm on Fridays). So if you need any help or advice regarding housing, benefits, health or parenting, then please do drop in.


Transition Day:     

On Wednesday 3rd July, all of our children were excited to be told their new classroom and teacher for September. They spent the whole day in their new classrooms and the children and staff enjoyed getting to know each other. These are the classes for the new academic year:



Mrs Elms (NAM)

Mrs Elms (NPM)


Miss Renshaw (RSR)

Mrs Payne (RSP)

Year 1

Mrs Thompson (1ET)

Mr Wilman (1JW)

Year 2

Miss Wilson (2EW)

Mrs Ling (2JL)

Year 3

Miss Lynch (4NL)

Mrs Turner (3HT)

Year 4

Mr Gilmour (4SG)

Mrs Gamblin (4KG)

Year 5

Miss Hall (5SH)

Miss Purewal (5SP)

Year 6

Mr Kelly (6JK)

Miss Bird (6CB)



Please can you ensure that appropriate medication (eg: Piriton) is administered to your child before school on days where there is a high pollen count. There is some very useful advice about how to treat hayfever on the NHS website

School Council Fundraising:

Our School Councillors have been busy investigating the possibility of purchasing a canopy to protect the Year 6s from the elements while they are waiting for school to start in the mornings. As part of this project, they are keen to raise funds to support the purchase and are holding a non-uniform day on Friday 12th July, in exchange for 50p. Additionally, at Parents’ evening (Tuesday 16th July), the School Council will be holding an ice lolly/cake sale.



As the weather has improved more children have started to come to school on their bicycles. Can you please make sure that they have a lock with them to keep them safe and secure while they are at school. Can you also please make sure that your child wears a cycling helmet to keep them safe in case of an accident.


Pride of Moat House:   

On a recent school trip, the coach driver complimented staff about how well-behaved and polite our Moat House children were – he commented that he has driven many school children from all over Coventry as well as Kenilworth and Moat House children were definitely some of the best. We hope you are as proud as we are!


Adults’ language:     

It's recently been brought to my attention that on occasion adults are using 'bad language' while they are dropping off and collecting their children. We are working really hard to encourage children to be polite and use appropriate language while they are at school and it would be really helpful if you could be positive role models while you are on the school site.



At Moat House, we encourage our children to complete weekly homework in reading, spelling and maths. Mathletics is a fun and interactive way for children to develop their mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding. All of our children have a password to access Mathletics and can complete Maths homework via a tablet, computer or even a phone. The website is : Please see your child’s class teacher if your child cannot remember his/her username or password.

Nursery Parents:         

Please may we ask that when you drop off your child for an afternoon nursery session, that you refrain from trying to communicate with children who are playing on the main playground - this is to safeguard all of our children. Thank you.


Mobile Phones:    

Please may we remind you that children are not allowed mobile phones in school. If your Year 5 or 6 child has a mobile phone because they make their own way to and from school, their phone will be collected by an adult at the beginning of the school day and will be returned at the end of the day. If your child attends an after school club, the phone can be collected from the school office.


Text speak information   

We have recently been made aware of a number of text abbreviations, which young people are reported to be using across the UK. As some of the messages are inappropriate for children we will not be including them with a newsletter but if you would like a copy, please ask at the Office and they will pass one on to you.


Moat House Work Together:                      

We are always happy to speak with you if you are worried about anything or if we can help to support your child but it is not acceptable to be rude or abusive towards members of staff. Please be respectful when speaking to adults at school. 


Coventry Independent Advice Service (CIAS):

The Moat Family Hub have asked us to let you know that they offer a drop in service to support families with benefit or debt problems on a Monday from 1:30pm – 4:00pm. They see people on a “first come first served basis” and may offer you an appointment if the issue needs to be discussed in more detail.  


Education about Youth Violence:                

Alison Cope will be working with our Year 5 and 6 children on 22nd January around the issues of positive choices, youth violence and knife crime. Alison's son was killed in 2013 and since then she has worked tirelessly to share her son's life and death story to educate young people about the real consequences of youth violence. She works at schools across the midlands and regularly appears on television. Alison will then be delivering a session for parents at 3.30pm in the school Hall. All parents are welcome. We will be putting aside a classroom for school age children to go to during her talk so you can attend. She anticipates that it will last an hour and will be finished by 4.30pm.  


Online Payments:  

In order to make payment of school meals more convenient, we are introducing an online payment system, called SIMs Agora, which parents and carers can access at any time. We are introducing it a year group at a time to ensure that it is a manageable process. Please look out for the letter, which will give details about how you can use this facility.



At Moat House, we are committed to developing children’s reading ability as we firmly believe that when children can read, it improves their lives and will improve their futures. For that reason, we hear our children read regularly at school either with their reading books, through guided reading or across other areas in the curriculum. Research states that if children read at home for ten minutes, four times a week, this equates to 1,440 minutes of extra reading throughout the school year and astonishingly twenty minutes of reading per day exposes readers to 1.8 million words per year! (Continental Press). Please support your child to become a fluent reader by hearing them read regularly at home.


Special Guardianship:      

If you are the carer to a child who has previously been in local authority care, your child could be allocated to pupil premium plus funding, which is funding that the school receives to help support your child in his/her education. Please let a member of staff know if this applies to a child in your family so that we can ensure that the funding is claimed and used appropriately.


Parent Governor Vacancy:

Are you interested in taking a greater part in school life? Can you make a difference to Moat House? Do you enjoy being part of a team? If the answer is “yes,” you may be just who we are looking for! We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor and are keen for someone to join us, on our journey to continue to improve Moat House. If you are interested in being a part of the governing body, please ask at the school office for more information.


Read Write Inc for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:      

If you would like to purchase speed sound cards to support your child with Read Write Inc at home, we can offer you these at the discounted price of £4 (they are normally £8). Please either speak to your child’s class teacher or call in at the school office to order a set.


Coventry Music Hub:       

We have been asked to share with you that the Coventry Music Hub are currently recruiting young musicians across the city. If your child is learning to play a musical instrument eg: guitar, wind, brass or string they are invited to join an ensemble group, which will allow young musicians to experience rewarding performance opportunities at established events. For more information, please use the following link or telephone number:  Office telephone number 02476788575

Online Safety:

The National Online Safety team have asked us to share the following: As part of our #WakeUpWednesday campaign, we have created a free guide for parents & carers for your school to share about ‘Player Unknown's Battlegrounds’ (PUBG) – a game played by millions of children and young people worldwide. Our guide is designed to inform parents and carers about the dangers and risks of letting their children play PUBG and how they can help keep their children safe online.
The free guide for parents can be found here: 

Marvellous Me:    

Marvellous Me is an app that you can use on your smartphone, tablet or computer to keep you informed of your child’s activities and achievements at school. In a letter that was sent home are instructions about how you can sign up and this includes a parent join code for your child. Your child’s teacher will be sending messages about his/her school day to help keep you informed – you are also able to interact with the app, for example by sending a ”high five” to show that you have received a message. We hope that through using Marvellous Me we can improve communication and home school links.


Nursery Notice:   

Please note that the Nursery doors open at 8:45 am and close at 8:55 am for children who attend Nursery in the morning session – this in line with whole school policy where registers are taken promptly after ten minutes of the doors opening.


General Data Protection Regulations:          

The General Data Protection Regulations come into effect on the 25th May 2018 to replace the Data Protection Act introduced in 1998.  We have set up a new page on the school website which displays documents explaining the schools responsibility and your rights with respect to Data Protection.


Powered scooters: 

 I've had several complaints about powered scooters being ridden on the footpaths and playground at school. They are dangerous around pedestrians and I would expect people to get off and push them when they are on school grounds in the same way that people jump off their bikes or normal scooters and push them. If you need to use one of them to travel to school to collect a child can you please park it in the car park where all the other cars and motorbikes get parked. Can you also please ride on the road and not the pavement. Thanks for your help to keep our children safe.



It's that time of the year again when fireworks are beginning to be set off. They are great fun when used safely but every year in the UK there are children (and adults) who get hurt by them. PLEASE make sure your children don't use them or play with them or hang around with other children who are setting them off. They are too precious to get hurt, burnt or lose an eye.



Last year, we acquired the Sunsafe accreditation for our good practice in raising awareness in school about keeping safe in the sun. With the recent heat wave that we have been experiencing, I feel that it is the right time to continue our good practice. Moat House has purchased sun cream that children can apply themselves in school (please let your child’s teacher know if you do not wish your child to use this). We also have sun hats available for parents to buy for £3 each – these can be bought at the school office. Alternatively, you are very welcome to apply eight hour suncream before children arrive at school in the morning and provide children with their own sun hats.  We will be raising awareness through assemblies and classroom activities to educate our children about how they can protect themselves against the sun’s harmful rays.



There have been a few instances recently when children have been in cars without seatbelts on. For Health and Safety (and legal) reasons can you please ensure that any child who you transport by car is either in a correctly fitted booster seat or wears a normal seat belt.


Mobile phones:    

 It was brought to my attention that two of our pupils were filmed fighting near the shop recently. This was filmed on a mobile phone and the video was then sent to several other pupils. I spoke to the children involved who were shocked when I explained that now that the video has been posted that it can be viewed for the rest of their lives (and possibly one day by their own children.) We regularly remind children about keeping safe online. Can you please be vigilant and monitor what your children are accessing and using their mobile phones for. 

NSPCC launches a school resource to help schools keep children safe from sexual abuse

Working Together