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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Science Success

We are extremely proud to share that we have been awarded with the Primary Science Quality Mark. Miss Hall and Mrs Taylor have worked extremely hard over the past couple of years to lead Science across Moat House and it is a fantastic achievement that acknowledges and recognises Moat House’s commitment and expertise in science leadership, teaching and learning. Look out for the Quality Mark, which you will see in forthcoming letters from the school.


More information about our Artsmark Award can be found here:


Moat House Artsmark


Music Mark

We have had Music Mark awards annually since 2020, following nomination by the Coventry Music Hub. Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 have the opportunity to learn a brass instrument, at no cost to themselves. We also participate in Young Voices and Coventry Mornings of Music.

Schools can join Music Mark through their local music education hub/service. Each school nominated should meet one or all of the criteria as below:

  • evidence of a willingness to engage in development conversations related to improving music provision
  • recognition of the value of music education as part of a broad and balanced curriculum
  • a strategy for music in place which provides for all children

School Games Mark: 

In 2019, we achieved the bronze award for the School Games Mark. This acknowledges that we show commitment to providing our children with plenty of sports opportunities, which includes our involvement with sports competitions and tournaments, as well as offering a range of after school clubs and competitions.

Working Together