Music Events
Rocksteady Concert: The next concert will be on Tuesday 10th December. We look forward to hearing this term's bands perform for us and their parents / carers.
Rocksteady Concert: On Tuesday 16th July, we enjoyed a star performance from our rock bands: The Black Dogs, The Superstars, The Metal Wasps and Ashy Smoke. Children from Year 1 through to Year 6 played or sang to us and they were all brilliant! We were all singing along to Shut Up and Dance, Never Gonna Give You Up, Firework and Roar. Thanks to Sophie, Will and Elise who are the Rock Steady crew and taught and supported our children. The Summer concert was even better and we could hear the progress that the children had made. New children have started this term and we look forward to hearing their bands at Christmas.
Recorder Concert Our Year 3 children performed for their parents and carers on Wednesday 10th July; some of the other KS2 classes were also in the audience. They played a few pieces as a whole year group and a few in individual classes. The children were magnificent and a real credit to their music teacher (Miss Sinclair). We were all singing Eye of the Tiger for the rest of the afternoon! Miss Sinclair has started teaching new classes this term and we look forward to hearing their performances at the end of term.
Recorder Assembly: On Wednesday 22nd May, we were treated to a special assembly led by Miss Sinclair, who has been teaching our Year 4 children how to play the recorder. We were surprised to find out that the children had only started learning the instrument in January but were very proficient and were able to play along to some familiar songs including Eye of the Tiger and We will Rock You. Parents and children alike enjoyed this special assembly.
Rocksteady: We were privileged to watch the first live performances from our five rock bands on Tuesday 19th March. Children from Reception through to Year 6 played or sang to us and they were all brilliant! Each group had drums, bass, guitar, keyboards and vocals and the children showed how much they have learned since starting in January. I’m already looking forward to the Summer concert!
Young Voices: On Wednesday 10th January, some of our children from KS2 participated in a Young Voices concert at the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham. During the show, they sang a range of songs, including hits from the films 'Matilda' and 'Moana' and a medley of music all about walking, to a full audience and with children from lots of other schools. Moat House children were particularly fantastic at singing 'The Moment' and 'Today is going to be a great day'. They were able to work with a conductor, as well as sing and dance alongside some very talented performers, including Drummer Nandi Bushell, who is only 13 years old and dance group Urban Strides. They particularly enjoyed learning to rap with multi award winning Rapper MC Grammar! Everyone had a fantastic day, danced the night away and did Moat House proud! We have signed up again this year and the children are excited to be learning the songs.
Rocksteady: On Tuesday 9th January, Ben from Rock Steady demonstrated his musical talents by playing some familiar rock, songs using a range of different instruments including the guitar, keyboard and drums. Over the next few weeks, he is going to be working with some of our children to form five of our very own Moat House rock bands! The children will practise playing a chosen instrument and will be ready to perform to us in a special assembly. We can’t wait!