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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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School Council

School Council:      As it is the start of the new school year, each class has elected two children to represent their class on the Moat House School Council.  The aim of the School Council is to involve pupils in decision making, in and around the school. The following children are the successful candidates. who have been nominated by their peers:



School Councillors


Scholl Councillors


Arlo-Jay and Galila


Aleksandra and M’Monga


Ava and Dylan


Theo and Nicole


Mason and Sabrina


Ezekiel and Glamour


Patricia and Kyrese


Imran and Amelia


Arham and Julia


Khamil and Dalia


David and Dottie


Jacob and Aria-Noelle


We held our first meeting on Friday 15th September 2023 and used it as a great opportunity to get to know each other and to discuss the roles and responsibilities involved in being a school councillor.

Summer Term 24


School Council Visit to Castle Wood:           On Monday 24th June, our Key Stage 2 School Councillors visited Castle Wood to discuss the impact of the work that they have done over this year. They were all surprised with the amount of things that they have achieved, including fundraising for local (as well as national) charities and the purchase of bins on the shared site to improve the cleanliness of the environment.


Deputy Lord Mayor Visit:  On Thursday 23rd May, we were lucky enough to be visited by the Deputy Lord Mayor (soon to be Lord Mayor of Coventry – Councillor Mutton). She joined us to watch 2BD’s class assembly, enjoyed a tour of the school and even participated in our School Council meeting – we were reliably informed that the children were much better behaved than the representatives at the Council House in Coventry!


Spring Term 2024


School Council: On Monday 11th March, our Key Stage 1 School Council members visited Castle Wood, where they shared the work they have been doing on improving waste collection on the shared school site. They all represented Moat House brilliantly and were treated to an Easter egg hunt, as a reward for their excellent work!


School Council Visit: On Wednesday 7th February, our School Council were lucky enough to visit the Council House in the city centre. They met the Deputy Lord Mayor who answered lots of questions about her role and gave them a tour of the special rooms in the Council House. The children were fascinated by the chambers and were even allowed to visit the Lord Mayor’s office and sit on his special seat, which we’ve never been allowed to do before! The children had a wonderful time and were all perfectly behaved! 


Autumn Term 2023:


School Council Visit to Castle Wood:           On Monday 11th December, our Year 4, 5 and 6 School Councillors visited Castle Wood to share ideas about how we can improve the joint site. They decided that they would like to reduce litter on the shared site and so we will be sharing ideas of how we can all help to make our shared site a better place for everyone.


School Council Visit to Parliament:     On Wednesday 27th September, last year’s School Council members enjoyed a trip to London, where they experienced a boat trip along the River Thames and had fun spotting some famous landmarks, including Tower Bridge and Big Ben. Following this, they were treated to a tour of the Houses of Parliament, where they were even allowed to enter the Houses of Lords and Commons. They learnt many interesting facts and were fascinated to learn that the King is not allowed to enter the House of Commons! The children then participated in a workshop and enjoyed putting their arguments across to each other – Ihab did a super job of acting as the speaker and enjoyed instructing everyone to behave themselves! The children behaved beautifully throughout the day and were a real credit to Moat House. 


School Council Visit to Castlewood:        

On Friday 21st June, eight of our children, from the School Council, had the opportunity to enjoy a tour of Castlewood School, which included them spending some time on their playground and using their play equipment. Teachers also explained how some of the specialised equipment in the classrooms is used to support the children's needs. Our children and staff learned a lot. 


School Council Fundraising:

Our School Councillors have been busy investigating the possibility of purchasing a canopy to protect the Year 6s from the elements while they are waiting for school to start in the mornings. As part of this project, they are keen to raise funds to support the purchase and are holding a non-uniform day on Friday 12th July, in exchange for 50p. Additionally, at Parents’ evening (Tuesday 16th July), the School Council will be holding an ice lolly/cake sale.

Our School Council joined with Castlewood’s School Council on Thursday 11th April and enjoyed an afternoon of egg hunting, as a reward for all their work as school councillors. They had a lovely time and we would like to thank Castlewood for hosting this event.



Castle Wood Connections:   On Friday 5th May, a small group of Year 3 children went with a member of our staff to visit Castle Wood School. They had been invited to visit the Art Gallery that the children of Castle Wood have set up to commemorate the King's coronation. There was some wonderful art work to see and the children had a lovely time.

Prime Minister’s Question Time: On Wednesday 26th April, some members of our School Council filmed short videos to take part in a competition, whereby they could pose a question to our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. Our children: Kelsey, Erik, Hishaam and Saida asked thought provoking questions so we are now looking forward to hearing if one of our questions is actually selected to ask the Prime Minister! See our website for the video clips. 


W/c 24th April 2023 - Prime Minister Question Time

Still image for this video

W/c 24th April 2023 - Prime Minister Question Time

Still image for this video

School Council Visit: On Thursday 2nd February, our School Council were lucky enough to visit the Council House in the city centre. They even met the Lord Mayor who answered lots of questions about his role and gave them a tour of the special rooms in the Council House. The children were fascinated by the chambers and were keen to hear the Lord Mayor bang the gavel to keep all the council representatives under control - fortunately, this wasn’t needed for our Moat House children, as they were all perfectly behaved


School Council Visit to Castle Wood:           On Monday 28th November, our Key Stage 2 School Councillors visited Castle Wood to share ideas about how they can improve the joint site. They decided that they would like to reduce litter on the shared site and improve safety in the car park ie: reducing vehicle speed and improving car parking. The School Councillors are going to share these ideas with their classes and will design posters to display around the site.


School Council:

Our school councillors met on Thursday 13th October and now have a lot to discuss with their classes. This term, they are considering how to encourage healthy snacks at playtime, how to incorporate more kindness, especially during anti-bullying week, how to work more closely with our neighbouring school, Castle Wood and how to follow and celebrate the football World Cup. Watch this space for more information!


Welcome to Moat House Primary School’s School Council Page 2018.


Our School Councillors:

  • Lead by example
  • Are good role models
  • Support the school
  • Are amazing learners
  • Are willing to be kind and helpful to others
  • Share information from fortnightly meetings with class mates
  • Help to organise school and charity events


School Council gives pupils the opportunity to voice their opinions, ideas and have an impact on ways in which the school and the environment can be improved and developed. They will be responsible for selecting the charities the school will support throughout the year and informing their class mates and staff of the events. They will listen to children’s issues or problems and raise these as items to be discussed in our fortnightly meetings and also share what is going well around our school.

Two pupils from each class are chosen through an election process, from Year 1 up to Year 6. They hold meetings, led by Miss Wilson, Miss Bradford, Mrs Dolden and Mrs Kriaun every fortnight. At these meetings there is an agenda and any issues are discussed.

Our aim –

  • To create a ‘buzz’ around pupil voice
  • For children to take part in some of the decisions made around our school
  • For children to feel that they can share what is going well and not so well in their learning environment.
  • To support the school to come up with solutions
  • To help children to understand democracy and the importance of communication


School Council 2018/2019:           

At the start of every school year, each class has elected two children to represent their class on Moat House's School Council.  The aim of the school council is to involve pupils in decision making in and around the school. During meetings, the school council discuss any points raised that have been raised within class council sessions and vote on a course of action. 



School Councillors


School Councillors


Joshua and Alexandra


Arsema and Ruvarashe


Rafael and Scarlett


Olivier and Riyam


Jan K and Lilymay


Ben and Amy


Kara and Tyreece


Lexi and Tobi


Michael S and Madison


Salima and Ayobami


Kailun and Ella


Ralph and Aathana



School Council Visit:        

On Monday 19th November, the School Council enjoyed a trip to meet the Lord Mayor at Coventry City’s Council House. They asked the mayor lots of very interesting questions about how the Council runs, and about the office of Lord Mayor. They also got to tour the Council Chamber and sat in the Councillors’ seats, with some children even able to sit in the Lord Mayor's seat! They behaved impeccably, and were a credit to themselves and Moat House School.


Children In Need 2018



The School Council decided to hold a 'gunge a teacher' event to raise money for less fortunate children than ourselves. The fabulous Moat House children emptied their piggy banks in droves to see Mr McIlroy get gunged. Thank you to all of the children and families for all of your support and for the school council for coming up with such a wonderful idea.


Pumpkin  October 2018

Our incredible School Council requested that we organise an event to mark Halloween. After some deliberation it was agreed that children design and carve pumpkins at home with their families and then bring them in for a competition. School Council children agrees that the prizes should be Halloween related. Mr McIlroy one of our Learning Mentor's had the very difficult task of judging the children's efforts. It was wonderful to see all of the pumpkins in and around school. Thank you School Council for organising such a fabulous event and thank you Mr McIlroy for being a wonderful judge.



School Council Trip: 

On Thursday 6th July, as a reward for their hard work, our School Council went on a trip to the Showcase cinema. They went to watch 'Despicable Me 3'. They all thoroughly enjoyed the film and had a brilliant afternoon! Well done to all of the children who represented their classes on the School Council this year, you have done an excellent job!


School Council Trip:

On Monday 3rd October, the School Council visited the Coventry Council House. They travelled there by bus and when they arrived they were greeted with a snack and drink. They then got to meet the Lord Mayor! He gave the children a tour of the Council House, where they even got to see inside his chamber. They also saw pictures of all of the previous Mayors of Coventry. They all thoroughly enjoyed the trip and all of the children represented Moat House excellently!


School Council Trip: 

On Thursday 7th July, as a reward for their hard work, our School Council went on a trip to the Showcase cinema. They went to watch 'The Secret Life of Pets'. They all thoroughly enjoyed the film and had a brilliant afternoon! Well done to all of the children who represented their classes on the School Council this year, you have done an excellent job!


School Council Visit to Castlewood:  

On Monday 9th November, some of our School Council children went to visit Castlewood School. The children met the School Council and took part in one of their meetings. Each school shared the different ways that they celebrate Christmas and then discussed how the two School Councils could work together. The children came up with lots of great ideas, which they are looking forward to implementing. The School Council are hoping to meet with Castlewood School Council again in the near future. 


School Council Trip:            

On Tuesday 6th October, our School Council visited the Coventry Council House. The children were given a tour of the building, during which they learnt all about the history of the Council House. They were able to sit in the Council Chamber, where all of the council meetings are held, and even go inside the Lord Mayor's Parlour. They were also lucky enough to meet the Lord Mayor of Coventry and ask him questions about his important job. The Lord Mayor then presented all of the children with a notebook, bookmark, pen and pencil each! 


School Council Trip to Coombe Park:        

On Tuesday 30th June, Miss Gowlett and 22 members of the school council enjoyed a trip to Coombe Abbey. This was to celebrate the end of their role as a school council member. This year our school councillors have been very busy and have succeeded in raising money for charities, creating links with Castle Wood and setting up the Tuck Shop. On the trip, the children played in the park, explored the woods and enjoyed a picnic in the sun. 



School Council Visit to Castlewood:

On Monday 9th March our KS1 School Council members went to visit Castle Wood School. When we were there we met their lower school council and talked about the different things we do. It was great for our children to visit another school and they all represented our school brilliantly. We can't wait to invite them to our school next time!


Working Together