Learning Mentor
Hello, my name is Mr. Jaime Mcilroy and I am here to support your children’s pastoral experiences in school and help break down any barriers to learning they come across. This year Miss Kirsty Rollason will also be assisting me in working with the children every morning.
We support children in many ways:
We run the school’s Breakfast Club to help parents and children who need support in the mornings before the start of the school day. If you would like to know more about the Breakfast Club please pop in to see us or phone the school and ask to speak to a Learning Mentor.
At lunchtimes, I am part of the supervisory staff, so I am available to help children with social interaction and overcome any problems they have during their lunch times and reflect on their behaviour choices.
I organise activities and co-ordinate the school’s after school clubs for the children to experience and enjoy extra-curricular activities.
We support children and families with their attendance and punctuality, to meet the government expected levels to help them avoid penalties I help parents become involved in school events and parent focused groups.
My role also involves being part of the Safeguarding Team within school. Sometimes a Learning Mentor might need to speak with parents or other agencies about things children say or how they behave that we can’t ignore and need to share.
Families who have outside agencies supporting them will have myself linked to the family. I will represent the school and become a point of contact for the parent, the professionals involved, the class teacher and your child in school.
Teachers might ask me to do some specific work with children. It could be if they are having friendship issues, struggle with their anger or have behaviour issues. It might be on their own, in a group or within the classroom. I will carry out work around the identified issues for a set time to see if this makes a difference. If this doesn’t help then it might be that school will ask you about making a referral to another agency for further support.
Agencies that we work with include:
School Nursing Team
Time for You Counsellor
Coventry Mind
Positive Parenting Programme
The Moat Family Hub
Part of my role involves supporting parents and carers - if you are facing challenges with things at home and want some advice, please contact the school. I am available throughout the day but if I can’t speak to you right away then I can arrange a more convenient time.