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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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International Links

Hordain 2025: We have been invited to participate in the Hordain international football tournament again next year. The team will be travelling to France on 7th June. They will then play on 8th and 9th June, returning to England after their last match. We look forward to some of the children staying with the same host families as last year.

Visit to China: 16 children from Year 5 and four teachers will be visiting our twin schools (Wuhan Honglinjin Primary and Wuhan Primary) from 4th - 11th April 2025. 

Tour de France: The school football team returned to Coventry after a very enjoyable tournament in Hordain, France in the early hours of Tuesday morning (21st May). The team did brilliantly and finished 9th out of 20 teams, having played against some very competitive European teams. They won all three of their matches on the second day, including knocking out the host team in a penalty shootout! The children especially enjoyed experiencing European culture by staying with host families, which included them tasting local cuisine and trying to communicate in a mixture of English and French.


Visit to China:            In the week commencing 15th April, I was part of a delegation from England to visit Wuhan in China to set up exchange visits between our schools. I was overwhelmed by the hospitality and kindness that I was shown while I was there. It was fascinating to see how Chinese primary schools are run and interesting to see the scale of them; the ones I visited had between 3000-5000 pupils and they are all desperate for us to send some pupils to visit them. They also want to send some children to see how we teach at Moat House. I applied for a grant to enable us to take some children to visit our sister schools in Wuhan and was awarded £37,070 through the Turing Funding scheme. This will enable me to take 16 children and 4 staff in April 2025; we will visit Shanghai and then Wuhan. It will be the trip of a lifetime!

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