At Moat House, we believe Physical Education is an integral part of school life and we aim to include Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) in all areas of the curriculum. To enable children to lead healthy lifestyles, we strongly believe that the development of children’s physical, cognitive and emotional skills are vital. Through PE lessons, we incorporate the School Games Values to foster motivation, confidence and competence for each child. Our curriculum map outlines a variety of opportunities for children to develop their physical, cognitive and emotional skills through dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, athletics and outdoor adventure activities. Our aim for children leaving Year 6, is that they will have experienced the joy of physical activity and sport and will understand how continuing a healthy lifestyle will impact positively on them and those around them.
For additional information, including our PE and Sport Premium outlines, please follow the link below.
To keep up to date with the sporting activities, events and competitions on offer to the children at Moat House, please follow the link below.