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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Building Learning Power (BLP):

    Wed 12 Feb 2020
    Staff received further BLP training on the teacher day at the start of the Spring term. The idea behind BLP is that if children learn how to become better at learning they will make better progress and will develop strategies which they can use for the rest of their lives when they come across a problem that needs to be solved. This term we will be continuing to work with children on the subject of Perseverance. They will be covering five areas: what to do when they get stuck; emotional toughness - expecting learning to be 'hard work' and not giving up if things aren't 'easy'; managing distractions - knowing what or who to avoid so they can get on with their learning; dealing with challenge - resisting the temptation to stick with 'easy', can-do activities; and goal orientation - being able to set and work towards achievable goals. Can you please help us by encouraging your children to have a 'can do' attitude. If they tell you that they can't do something, can you please say to them the same thing that we'll be saying at school - "You can, but just not yet!"
  • Reflection Room:

    Wed 05 Feb 2020

    If children behave poorly at playtimes or lunchtimes, they are required to spend lunchtimes reflecting on what they have done and discussing ways that they could have behaved differently or other ways that they could have handled a situation.  If a child has to stay in on ten occasions, you will receive a text to alert you to this and to request that you speak   with them about their behaviour at lunchtimes and playtimes. We will continue to contact you, as normal, if we need to discuss anything relating to behaviour and won’t wait until a child reaches ten lunchtimes in Reflection before getting in touch. This is purely to alert you that they have now reached the tenth occasion within a term. Before they reach this point we support them and work with them to improve their behaviour, the aim being that they don’t reach a tenth time, but a few children each term find this difficult to achieve.

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