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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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News w/e 14th Oct 22

Reception find their way:        

On Thursday 13th October, Reception were set a challenge using the skills they have been learning in class. They needed to find hidden clues to write a shopping list, using their phonics sounds. They were given a simple map of the school site and had to navigate their way to find the clues. Each clue had a picture of an ingredient and the phonics sound to help them with their writing. The children all wrote their own shopping list of the ingredients that they needed to make cakes in school on Friday. They had so much fun and learned a lot about map work, whilst practising their writing. They can’t wait to make and eat their cakes!


School Council:

Our school councillors met on Thursday 13th October and now have a lot to discuss with their classes. This term, they are considering how to encourage healthy snacks at playtime, how to incorporate more kindness, especially during anti-bullying week, how to work more closely with our neighbouring school, Castle Wood and how to follow and celebrate the football World Cup. Watch this space for more information!


Macmillan Fundraiser:  

Thank you for supporting our recent coffee morning and cake sales. We raised the grand total of £500.88, which is a lot more than we raised last year! What an achievement - thank you everyone!

Working Together