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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.


    Tue 06 Jul 2021

    A reminder, if anyone in your family has COVID symptoms they should have a PCR test as soon as possible and everyone else in the household must self-isolate until the test result comes through. If the result is negative, self-isolation can stop. If any child has a positive test result can you please let us know immediately as it will affect the other children and staff in that year group. We will let you know about arrangements for September as soon as we know them. Until the government change their guidelines for school we have to carry on as we are.

  • Sports Week

    Tue 06 Jul 2021

    In the week beginning 21st June, each year group held their own individual sports day, which unfortunately we weren’t able to share with parents, due to Covid restrictions. The children participated in the different events that make up our traditional sports day, including a running race, standing long jump and various throwing events, like the javelin and discus. As usual, the children were all able to earn points for their house team and we will be able to report the final results in next week’s newsletter after the final count has been completed.


    As part of Sports Week, classes also got involved with a range of activities that they might not normally enjoy, for example in Year 5 the children took part in Just Dance and in Year 3, the children invented their own sports game, which included them having to decide on the rules, select equipment and even teach the game to their friends!

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