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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • New Systems and Procedures:

    Mon 07 Sep 2020

    We are now operating on a cashless and paperless basis. Please see details on how this will work below:

    Communicating with Parents: 

    All school letters and information will be sent to you electronically, so please ensure that you check your email inbox regularly. The school website remains the best place for school news and key information.

    SIMS Pay:

    We are now only accepting payments to school via SIMS Pay. SIMS Pay is a safe, secure and easy way to pay online for school items such as school meals, trips, uniform .etc. All families have been sent an activation letter; if you have not received yours, please email us

    SIMS Parent:

    Parents are responsible for ensuring that the school holds accurate information about themselves and their children. You should have received an email that will give you access to the SIMS Parent app which provides a secure facility for parents to complete online data checking sheets for their child and then review and request changes to other key information that the school holds (contact details/medical information/consent etc). Please contact the office if you have not received the invitation email.

    School Meals Ordering:

    School meals must now be ordered electronically in advance.

    • We will send out a link to the ordering page on a Monday morning, this will be for meals for the following week.
    • Meal choices must be submitted by Tuesday evening at the latest, as we place the order for ingredients on Wednesday morning. Please note, after Tuesday, choices cannot be changed.
    • If we do not receive your order by Tuesday, your child will receive the main menu option each day (if they are vegetarian, they will be given the vegetarian option).

    From September, the cost of a school meal is £2.15 per day or £10.75 per week.

    We understand that there are quite a few adjustments to get used to, but we have implemented these changes to minimise the spread of infection and assist with social distancing. If you have any questions or need any assistance, the school office are always happy to help and are available via phone or email.

  • Reading Books:

    Fri 04 Sep 2020
    Reading books will be sent home with children regularly and when these are returned to school, they will be placed in a “Quarantine Box” for 48 hours before they are returned to the communal storage area in school. Please be assured that teachers and teaching assistants will be fully aware of each child’s reading stage and ability and new reading books will be sent home when it is appropriate.
  • Holidays in Term Time:

    Thu 03 Sep 2020
    Can I remind you that I am not legally allowed to give children time off during term time to go on holiday.  This was a decision made by the Government a few years ago. At this time of the year many families are planning their holidays for Easter or the Summer. Can you please check our holiday dates when booking them. Thank you.
  • Golden Mile:

    Wed 02 Sep 2020
    Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are taking part in the Golden Mile to improve their fitness levels. Every Tuesday and Friday the children run/jog/walk around the school field for 10 minutes. Children’s laps around the school field are then collected so that we can track how children’s fitness and stamina improves over the year. It would be very helpful if children can ensure that they have trainers or pumps in school on these days.
  • Bees:

    Wed 02 Sep 2020
    After working closely with Cardinal Wiseman last summer term I have obtained a small colony of bees who are living in a hive in the wildlife area (which has an 18 foot fence around it). I am hopeful that we will get some Moat House honey from them later in the term which the children will all get a taste of. We have purchased some extra sets of protective clothing and may let some of the older children watch a hive inspection later in the term. We will ask for parental consent before anyone does this.

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