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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 6th Sept 24

Welcome Back:     It was great to see the children back in school on Tuesday and I hope that they have all enjoyed their first few days in their new classes. They were all very smartly dressed and looked wonderful! The Year 6 children looked especially grown up in their new black sweatshirts and seem ready to take on the mantle of being role models for the rest of the school. I am looking forward to another exciting year at Moat House and look forward to meeting you at Parents’ Evening, class assemblies or on the playground at the start or end of the school day.


New Start Time:    Thanks to you all for getting your child/ren in to school before our new bell time of 8.45am. Starting at this time means that our school day now matches the government requirements.


Class Assemblies: Please make a note of your child’s class assembly date, as detailed below. It is always a joy for us to invite you into school to share with you what your children have been learning.







Friday 4th October


Friday 17th January


Friday 9th May


Friday 11th October


Friday 14th February


Friday 13th June


Friday 8th November


Friday 14th March


Friday 27th June


Friday 22nd November


Thursday 10th April


Friday 11th July


Thursday 12th December







Healthy Food and Drink:                 Please remember to bring a named water bottle to school every day for your child. Children can drink water throughout the day and refill their bottle at school. Please do not send your child into school with any other drink eg: squash or fizzy drinks. Also a reminder that children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 have access to healthy snacks on a daily basis. Key Stage 2 children are welcome to bring in healthy snacks at playtime, as long as they don’t contain nuts. 


Asda Rewards:               If you shop at Asda and have the Asda rewards app on your phone, can you please nominate us in the Cashpot for schools section. They will then make a donation to us for every pound spent on shopping. Please also ask friends and relatives to do the same. Any money raised will be spent directly on the children. The promotion lasts until the end of November and it takes less than a minute to nominate us.


School Bank:  On Tuesday 10th September, the Moat House School Bank will be open once again for anyone who wishes to make a deposit or a withdrawal. Many of our children have now opened accounts and are saving hard for things like spending money for their holidays or Christmas presents. If your child would like to begin saving using the School Bank, please complete an application form and bring your first deposit along to the bank, which is open every Tuesday morning at 8:35 am. Forms are available from the school office.


Gifts:    On behalf of all of the staff I'd like to say thank you for all the cards, gifts and kind words that you gave us at the end of the Summer Term. Everything was greatly appreciated.

Working Together