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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 24th Oct 24

Black History Month:         Thank you to everyone who has supported us celebrating the end of Black History Month by dressing in black (resilience), red (love), yellow (optimism) and justice/fairness (green = greenery/nature). There were many children also dressed in traditional clothing and it was wonderful to see so many cultures reflected throughout the school on Thursday 24th October.


Read Write Inc:   Thank you to those parents who came in to school to learn about how we teach our children to read. On Wednesday 16th October, the expert Caroline Carter from Read Write Inc spoke to Reception parents about the principles of the scheme. On Thursday 24th October, our Year 1 parents were informed about the statutory phonics screening test, which will happen in June and they were able to watch Read Write Inc in action with their own children. We hope it was helpful and hope that you can support your children with their reading at home, as a result. Here is a link for useful resources that you could purchase to support your child:


Dodgeball:          On Wednesday 23rd October, a group of Year 5 children were selected to take part in a values-based dodgeball competition at the AT7 centre. When they arrived, they were given the name of 'Moat house Giants'. There were nineteen teams from different schools across the city of which Moat house Giants competed against four of them. After they had finished a game, the children shook hands with the opposing team and then scored the opposition based on the following values: teamwork, honesty and respect. At the end of the morning there was a presentation where all children were awarded with a certificate for taking part. Moat House Giants demonstrated great team work, respect and honesty during each game! The children enjoyed every minute of it with smiles on their faces and were great ambassadors for Moat House! Thank you and well done to Hishaam, Yekta, Zuzanna, Laila, Kian, Del'Fariah, Maimuna and Olivia for representing our school!

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