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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 11th Oct 24

6ST’s Class Assembly:   We enjoyed a wonderful assembly on Friday 11th October, based on the class novel that 6ST have been reading entitled “The Nowhere Emporium.” The children shared how the shop in the story is magical and can travel through time with lots of interesting and exciting characters. The children can’t wait to find out how the story unfolds and they ended their assembly with a very catchy song based on the 1980s song Abracadabra. Thanks 6ST – we really enjoyed your assembly!


Attendance Rewards: To encourage our children to engage with attending school every day, we are currently holding a contest whereby the year group classes are in competition with each other to earn money. Each week, the class with the highest attendance in the year group earns £1. In addition, if a class achieves 100% they will earn £5. This school year, 3ML have already had a week where they achieved 100% attendance, so their money pot is the highest in the school at the moment. Let’s see which class will be the next to achieve 100% attendance! Towards the end of the year, the children will discuss with their teachers how to spend the total amount of prize money. Good luck!


Fundraising: As a result of our Macmillan Coffee Morning, as well as the break time cake sales, we managed to raise a grand total of £529.05. Thank you very much for all your support in raising money for this fantastic charity.

Working Together