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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 5th July 24

Year 1 Visit the Library:    Year 1 classes have been visiting Bell Green Library to explore books and activities. They have been given the option to open their own library card, which allows them to borrow books as they wish. The children all chose a book to borrow and we will be returning it on our next visit. The children were also introduced to a special Summer Reading Challenge, which encourages children to visit a library three times and read six books. You can visit any library - it doesn't have to be in Bell Green. If you complete this, you will be awarded with a special medal and certificate, so make sure you plan in some library visits over the summer holidays. Remember this is for all ages and it is totally free of charge! Happy reading!


Transition Day: On Wednesday 3rd July, all of our children were excited to be told their new classroom and teacher for September. They spent the whole day in their new classrooms and the children and staff enjoyed getting to know each other. These are the classes for the new academic year:



Mrs Machin and Mrs Elms (NAM)

Mrs Machin and Mrs Elms (NPM)


Mrs Dalton (RSD)

Mrs Ling (RJL)

Year 1

Mrs Thompson (1ET)

Mrs Walker (1RW)

Year 2

Miss Dillon (2BD)

Miss Maxwell (2MM)

Year 3

Miss Wilson (3EW)

Miss Smith (3KS)

Miss Lane (3ML)

Year 4

Miss Lynch (4NL)

Miss Wooding (4MW)

Year 5

Mr Kelly (5JK)

Mrs Meininger (5LM)

Year 6

Miss Bird (6CB)

Mrs Taylor (6ST)



Year 5’s Busy Week: Many of the Year 5 children had a brilliant time in Derbyshire in the week commencing 1st July (and mostly managed to avoid the rain) whilst taking part in lots of outdoor fun and activities. Apart from the excitement of sharing a room with their friends, the highlight of the trip was the low ropes course at Conkers but the children enjoyed all of the activities, including a seven kilometre nature walk. On Tuesday 2nd July, the Year 5 children who did not attend the residential trip in Derbyshire made their way to Go Ape at Coombe Abbey. Although many children were initially nervous about the height of the activity, they were all very brave and the majority managed to complete the activity on the highest level! We were all very impressed with the resilience they showed when they found the tasks difficult and with their impeccable behaviour. Two children who stood out during the trip were Kasey and Jamal who effortlessly made their way around the course with no fear and even encouraged others to have a go at the more challenging parts! Well done Year 5.

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