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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 21st June 24

Sun Safety:  Every year we teach our children about the importance of staying safe in the sun and they learn to Slip, Slop, Slap to remain safe - Slip on a t-shirt to keep themselves covered, Slop on some sun cream and Slap on a hat to shade their face and neck. We've not had too much to worry about so far this year but are hopeful that we might all be using sun cream and sun hats soon!


3MM’s Class Assembly: We all thoroughly enjoyed 3MM’s class assembly on Friday 21st June, especially with the tension, as many of us tried to answer the “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” style questions! The children have been learning about Western Europe (Geography) and Mary Anning (History) and demonstrated that their ability to retrieve tricky information is phenomenal! Well done 3MM – it was a lovely assembly.


Hado Tournament:        On Wednesday 19th June, a group of ten Year 5 children participated in a Hado tournament. If you have never heard of Hado, neither had we! The children took part in teams of three to throw virtual bolts at their opponents to break their targets, while dodging around on a small court. The team that broke the most targets won! The group took turns to play in one of the two teams that Moat House had entered. All of the children did really well playing this new sport and were great ambassadors for Moat House. One team came fifth in their group and the other team came third. Well done to all of the children who took part!


RNLI Fundraiser: Thank you for your contributions to our fundraiser last week. As a result of our children wearing blue non uniform for the day, we managed to raise £310.06. Thank you for supporting us and our local charities.

Working Together