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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Weeks News 17th Nov 2023

Blue Light Visit:                      On Friday 17th November, we were lucky enough to enjoy a visit from our local police force. They came into assembly and shared the equipment that they have to carry at all times to keep themselves and others safe. They also brought a van with them and many of our children were fortunate enough to get up close to see the flashing blue lights and hear the noisy sirens – we hope it didn’t disturb our neighbours too much!


Children in Need:     On Friday 17th November, our children were given the opportunity to purchase toys or books from our Children in Need toy sale. The children enjoyed browsing amongst the wonderful donations that you provided and all of the proceeds will be passed on to Children in Need. We must give a huge thank you to Mrs Kriaun, Mrs Walker and Jodie and Noreen (from Hays) for all their organisation and support.


Cinema Visits: Year 3 and 4 went to see Mario Brothers 2 at the cinema on Wednesday 15th November. They were incredibly well behaved and really enjoyed the film. They all clapped at the end of the film and were so grateful for the opportunity to visit the cinema, as well as the snacks they were provided with. It was a lovely morning and a wonderful experience for all. Listening to the children singing 'Peaches' was definitely the highlight!  On the same day, Year 5 visited the Odeon cinema in the city centre and watched Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile. All of the children loved the film and especially enjoyed eating their popcorn and sweets as they were watching it! They were brilliantly behaved and represented Moat House really well. 


Free Toothbrushes:     We have been fortunate enough to be donated with enough toothbrushes and toothpaste for all of our children. This has been the perfect opportunity to remind our children about the tooth and mouth hygiene and the importance of brushing our teeth at least twice a day. These were given out to the children on Wednesday 15th November.


Safe Touch Workshop:       On Monday 13th November, the charity CRASAC came to work with the children in 6ST. During the session, the children discussed various situations, such as riding a rollercoaster or being approached by a stranger, and decided how safe or unsafe they would feel in these scenarios. The children were then able to identify early warning signs to understand when they felt unsafe. The workshop went on to discuss personal space and other important topics, including knowing that your body belongs to you. 6ST showed maturity and respect during the workshop and were engaged throughout the afternoon. 


Working Together