News w/e 2nd Dec 2022
6ST’s Class Assembly: Thank you to 6ST, who shared a wonderful assembly on Friday 2nd December, all about the work they have been doing around the story book “Holes.” The children have produced some amazing writing and artwork and their performance demonstrated their enthusiasm for the story. A special mention must go to Jan for his very authentic Texan accent and Poppy, Ava-Jayne, Xavier, Wiktoria and Jaiden for their rapping during a very catchy song.
Y6 Athletics: On Wednesday 30th November, thirty Year 6 pupils took part in an indoor athletics competition at the AT7 sports centre. This involved competing in a range of activities from relay races to javelin and the triple jump. Although we did not score enough points to progress to the next round, all children tried their hardest and we did manage to win some of the races! All of the students were perfectly behaved and were great role models for Moat House. Well done Year 6.
School Council Visit to Castle Wood: On Monday 28th November, our Key Stage 2 School Councillors visited Castle Wood to share ideas about how they can improve the joint site. They decided that they would like to reduce litter on the shared site and improve safety in the car park ie: reducing vehicle speed and improving car parking. The School Councillors are going to share these ideas with their classes and will design posters to display around the site.