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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 21st June 24

Careers Event:     On Friday 28th June, our wonderful Year 6 children took part in our first ever careers event, where our learners were interviewed by real life business owners for job roles across many different sectors. The event started with students attending a jobs fair to find out about the jobs on offer. They were then asked to complete an application form and a letter to support their submission. As with any other job, they then contacted the school office to arrange their interview time and date. The day started with children arriving at school dressed smartly for their interviews and a workshop from West Midlands Police who described all of the different careers available within the police force. Then, throughout the afternoon our interviewees took part in their interviews with our supportive volunteers. A huge thank you goes to Donna from Vanity, beauty, nails, tanning, Ann from Henley Green Medical Centre, Matt from Selco, Georgina from Coventry Building Society, Chloe from CVLife, Allan from Grinsell’s Home and Garden Maintenance and our incredible school governors. We look forward to running the event again next year!


Year 1 go Wild:   On Tuesday 25th June, Year 1 were very excited about their trip to All Things Wild. The children enjoyed seeing animals such as meerkats, camels, zebras and tortoises, as well as getting the opportunity to touch or hold snakes, rabbits and stick insects. They also had plenty of time to play and explored a dinosaur trail, where they spotted a life size tyrannosaurs rex, stegosaurus and triceratops. What a fun day! 


Year 6 Kayakers:  On Tuesday 25th June, a group of eight Year 6 children went to Coventry’s Canal Basin to have a go at kayaking. They were first taught how to use the paddle before getting into the kayak. Next, they played games to help them control their balance on the water. After that, they went on a trip along the canal. Although some of them got caught in the bushes, they managed to untangle themselves. Finally, they got dressed in their dry clothes and returned to school – the children had a blast.


Year 2 Dentist:    On Monday 24th June, the Oral Health Team and their very naughty unicorn friend visited Year 2 to teach them about the importance of brushing their teeth twice daily, for two minutes and to use floss. The unicorn was not very good at brushing their teeth, so needed reminding about the food and drink that is helpful, as well as harmful to teeth. The children could recall how important it is to drink milk and water as well as eating fruit and vegetables. They also knew how damaging fizzy drinks, chocolates and sweets are to teeth and gums. All of the children were encouraged to visit a dentist every six months to ensure that their new adult teeth would grow strong, straight and without decay.


School Council Visit to Castle Wood:           On Monday 24th June, our Key Stage 2 School Councillors visited Castle Wood to discuss the impact of the work that they have done over this year. They were all surprised with the amount of things that they have achieved, including fundraising for local (as well as national) charities and the purchase of bins on the shared site to improve the cleanliness of the environment.

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