You may be aware that we have had four children who have tested positive in the week commencing 6th September. Under the old regulations every child in the year group would have had to self-isolate and have remote education. Under the new rules, the rest of the children (and staff where double vaccinated) are now able to continue to come to school for 'normal' lessons providing they don't have any symptoms. They need to get a PCR test carried out but can carry on coming to school until the results come through. Providing the results are negative they can continue to attend.
In order to continue to protect our school community, you MUST make sure that if your child is unwell in any way, that they do not attend school. If they have the top three symptoms of a temperature OR a new continuous cough OR a loss of taste or smell, they must self-isolate until they have taken a PCR test and got the result. If the result is negative they can return to school when they are feeling better. If the result is positive they will need to self-isolate for 10 days. If your child is unwell in any other way, we ask that you keep them off school, and if in any doubt, please get a test for your piece of mind and ours. Other possible Covid symptoms include tiredness, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat, muscle ache, blocked / runny nose, diarrhoea and vomiting.
If your child is a close contact of someone with Covid at school or anyone else in the household has Covid, there is no longer a requirement for them to self-isolate unless they have symptoms. They need to have a PCR test as soon as possible and if this is negative they can carry on coming to school.