Year 5's Busy Week
Many of the Year 5 children had a brilliant time in Derbyshire in the week beginning 27th June and managed to (mostly) avoid the rain, whilst taking part in lots of outdoor fun and activities. The highlight of the trip was the low ropes course at Conkers but the children enjoyed all of the activities, including a seven kilometre nature walk!
With half of Y5 in Derbyshire, the remaining pupils undertook the journey to the city centre on Tuesday 28th June, in a bid to link the cultural heritage of the city to the songs they had been practising as part of their upcoming Big Sing. They knew little bits about the city’s car, bicycle and weaving history but needed further evidence that only the museums could offer. They had a fantastic trip around the Transport Museum realising that the penny farthing was not only taller than Mr Jennings but was also high up when you sat on it! They explored the history of car and bicycle development – the adults recognising cars they once owned, now in a museum, began to feel very old! Mrs Aston relished in telling stories of the 1987 FA cup bus and the glory days of Coventry City FC. Following a peaceful and relaxing lunch in Lady Herbert’s garden, the group made their way to the Herbert Art gallery. Here, displays on reconciliation and Lady Godiva provided further substance to songs they had been practising.
On Thursday 30th June, Year 5 visited the Warwick Arts Centre to participate in a concert alongside four other schools. Each of the songs were about different elements of Coventry's history, including Lady Godiva and Frank Whittle. The children have been learning the songs over the last couple of months and have worked really hard to remember all of the tricky words! At the venue, the children performed alongside a live band with a conductor – it sounded amazing! All of the children had a great time and some are still singing the songs this morning! Well done, Year 5!
In all of their external visits recently, the Year 5 children were great ambassadors for the school and have been a real credit to Moat House. It was lovely to hear members of the public commenting so positively about their lovely manners and excellent behaviour.