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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Thank you:

Thank you to everyone who is working with us to keep the children learning during this challenging time. I’ve heard some great things from the teachers about how well most children are engaging with their learning and it sounds like there is some serious hard work going on!

You should still be having regular communication with your child’s class teacher about the online learning that they are doing. We expect that all children should complete the work that is set and the government have made it very clear to us that we must do this throughout the lockdown. Teachers are available during the school day to discuss this with you. If you need any support with connecting to wifi or using data please talk to your child’s teacher and we will see what we can do to help. It would be really helpful if you could let your child’s teacher have photographs of any work that they have completed so they can mark it and provide feedback.

I would remind the families who are currently sending their children to school to keep them at home if possible and only send them in if there is no alternative. If your child doesn’t come in on a day we are expecting them can you please contact us to let us know.

If you need any support during the lockdown please phone school on 02476 612073 between 8.30am and 3.30pm or contact the following email:

Working Together