Last Weeks News 7th June 24
Year 2 visit to Twycross Zoo:
On Thursday 6th June, Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Twycross Zoo to support their learning in science this year. The children looked closely at the different habitats created for the animals at the zoo and discussed whether the animals were omnivores, carnivores or herbivores. A great time was had by all! Kyrese had the shock of his life when a monkey swung into the screen in front of him and Luke loved watching the penguins swim in their pool. Michaela said, 'The butterflies were so beautiful, they were flying around our heads'. Our special day was topped off by a dip in the Wet 'n' Wild play area. We had some tired explorers by the end of the day. Well done to all of the children for their incredible behaviour and representing our school so wonderfully.
Year 6 First Aid:
On Thursday 6th June, our Year 6 children took part in a first aid workshop. They were taught about what first aid is and how they can help, if someone needs medical assistance. They were shown how to help if they come across someone who is unconscious and were introduced to a useful acronym to help in this type of situation – DR ABC (danger, response, airways, breathing, call). They also participated in a practical session, whereby they practised resuscitation on a dummy. Useful numbers and their purposes were also explained to the children ie: 999 for an emergency and 111 for medical advice (which is not an emergency).