Last Weeks News 22nd Dec 2023
Beauty and the Beast: On Friday 15th December, our children enjoyed the traditional pantomime experience in our school hall. Everybody got into the spirit of pantomime by clapping, singing and having fun, whilst watching Beauty and the Beast. A good time was had by all!
Key Stage 2 Carols: Our Key Stage 2 children shared their Carol concert with parents on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th December and we enjoyed listening to a mixture of traditional and more modern Christmas songs. Thanks Key Stage 2.
Christmas Lunch: On Wednesday 13th December, we all got into the festive spirit and enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch. The children enjoyed wearing their Christmas jumpers whilst eating traditional turkey, vegetables and roast potatoes.
Year 5 Cathedral Visit: On Wednesday 13th December, Year 5 were lucky enough to attend a Christingle event, which was held at Coventry Cathedral. During the festivities, the children joined other schools in singing songs, watching performances and listening to prayers. Through the event, they were able to deepen their understanding of Christmas and were also provided with the equipment to make their very own Christingle at home.
Parents’ Evening: On Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th December, we held our Autumn term parents’ evening. We hope that you found the information about your child’s progress and attainment useful and that you were given tips and guidance, as to how you can help your child at home. If you were unable to see your child’s teacher on the given days, please don’t hesitate to make an alternate appointment, either via the school office or by speaking to your child’s class teacher.
EYFS Nativity: It was a delight to be able to see our youngest children perform on stage on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th December and to welcome parents in to school to also enjoy the experience. The children performed “Everyone Loves a Baby” and we all thoroughly enjoyed seeing traditional characters including angels, stars and shepherds. The children sang some beautiful songs and made us all very proud.
School Council Visit to Castle Wood: On Monday 11th December, our Year 4, 5 and 6 School Councillors visited Castle Wood to share ideas about how we can improve the joint site. They decided that they would like to reduce litter on the shared site and so we will be sharing ideas of how we can all help to make our shared site a better place for everyone.
Children’s Commissioner: On Friday 8th December, we were visited by representatives of the Children’s Commissioner and they were keen to speak to our children about what they think of the world around them. Our children came up with some insightful responses about how they would like to feel safer in the local community and suggested things like extra police patrols and security cameras. They also talked about the things that they like at Moat House and there was a common theme – they love the Moat House reward system like golden tickets, house points, attendance prizes, teacher award prizes and especially Tea at 3 with Mr B!