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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 17th My 24

RSP visit to Pizza Express:  On Wednesday 15th May, RSP enjoyed their visit to Pizza Express, where they got to make their own pizzas, whilst learning all about the skills needed to work in a professional kitchen!  The children rolled out the dough and added sauce and cheese! They couldn’t wait to take their pizzas home to share with their families.


Year 6 SATs:  Our Year 6 children completed their Key Stage 2 SATs in the week beginning 13th May. Staff were very impressed with the attitude and behaviour of all of our children and we know that whatever the results are, the children couldn’t have worked any harder. We would like to say a huge well done to all of the children for their excellent efforts this week. As a reward, the children came to school in their pyjamas today and had a movie morning in the school hall!


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