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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Last Week's News 10th May 24

Dentist in Year 1: On Thursday 9th May, Year 1 were joined by some oral hygienists who talked to them about the importance of brushing their teeth and eating a healthy diet. They explained what happens when you visit a dentist and how to keep teeth and gums healthy and strong. They all agreed to make sure they brush their teeth twice a day to help keep them in great condition.

Reception trip to Warwick Castle:  On Wednesday 8th May, our Reception children enjoyed a trip to Warwick Castle. When first arriving at the castle, the children were greeted by some very beautiful peacocks as well as an archer who was perfecting his target practise! The children were wowed by the size of the castle and enjoyed exploring both the king maker exhibition and the state rooms, which demonstrated how and what the castle would have looked like in the past.  We were treated to a fantastic birds of prey show with condors, owls, eagles and vultures swooping over our heads!  The day ended with a play in the Zog playground as well as the unique experience of putting the teachers in the stocks!  A fantastic time was had by all, and the children were a credit to the school.  

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