Please read the information below as it is a key part of ensuring our continued safety, and that we can all enjoy the upcoming Christmas holidays...
As of today, if we were to be ask any children to self-isolate, as a close contact of a positive case of Coronavirus, it would take them through to the end of term, and they would not return to school until January. None of us want this. From the 10th December, if we were to ask a student who was a close contact of a positive case to self-isolate it would actually cut across the 5-day National “unlocking” and would impact directly on your family plans for Christmas celebrations. This could include Christmas Day! I am sure that none of us want this. In order to continue to protect our school community, you MUST make sure that if your child is unwell in anyway, that they do not attend school. If they have the top three symptoms of a temperature OR a new continuous cough OR a loss of taste or smell, you must self-isolate until you have taken a test and got the result. If your child is unwell in any other way, we ask that you keep them off school, and if in any doubt, please get a test for your piece of mind and ours.