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Moat house primary school

Moat house primary school

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Year 3: Equality

Week beginning: 25th April 2022


During our guided reading lessons, we have been reading and discussing extracts from 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine. In the story, Bill, wakes up to find that he is a girl. Now that he is a girl, he is being treated differently by everyone around him, except his cat. He found that at school, everyone is kinder to him. He gets more cuddles from his parents too but most frustratingly of all, he is told he cannot do things because he is a girl. He hates that things he was once allowed to do without question, seem to be unachievable now that he is wearing a dress. This opened up an opportunity for us to discuss gender stereotypes as a class and it raised the question 'Is fair to be treated differently because of your gender or what you wear?' We discussed the fact that everyone should be given equal opportunities regardless of their gender or what they choose to wear but that throughout history, this hasn't always been the case. 

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